108 (1955). Resolution of 8 September 1955
The Security Council,
Recalling its resolution 107 (1955) of 30 March 1955, Having received the report of the Chief of Staff of the
United Nations Truce Supervision Organization in
Noting with grave concern the discontinuance of the talks initiated by the Chief of Staff in accordance with
the above-mentioned resolution,
Deploring the recent outbreak of violence in the area along the armistice demarcation line established between
… [read more]Egypt and Israel on 24 February 1949,
1. Notes with approval the acceptance by both parties of the appeal of the Chief of Staff for an unconditional
2. Calls upon both parties forthwith to take all steps necessary to bring about order and tranquillity in the
area, and in particular to desist from further acts of violence and to continue the cease-fire in full force
and effect;
3. Endorses the view of the Chief of Staff that the armed forces of both parties should be clearly and effectively
separated by measures such as those which he has proposed:
4. Declares that freedom of movement must be afforded to United Nations observers in the area to enable them to
fulfil their functions;
5. Calls upon both parties to appoint representatives to meet with the Chief of Staff and to co-operate fully
with him to these ends;
6. Requests the Chief of Staff to report to the Security Council on the action taken to carry out this resolution.
Adopted unanimously at the 700th meeting. [^]