123 (1957). Resolution of 21 February 1957
The Security Council,
Recalling its resolution 122 (1957) of 24 January 1957, its previous resolutions and the resolutions of the
United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan on the India-Pakistan question,
1. Requests the President of the Security Council, the representative of Sweden, to examine with the Governments
of India and Pakistan any proposals which, in his opinion, are likely to contribute towards the settlement of
the… [read more] dispute, having regard to the previous resolutions of the Security Council and of the United Nations
Commission for India and Pakistan; to visit the subcontinent for this purpose; and to report to the Security
Council not later than 15 April 1957;
2. Invites the Governments of India and Pakistan to co-operate with him in the performance of these functions;
3. Requests the Secretary-General and the United Nations Representative for India and Pakistan to render such
assistance as he may request.
Adopted at the 774th meeting by 10 votes to none, with 1 abstention (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). [^]