S/RES/1336 (2001)
Security Council Distr.: General
23 January 2001
01-22429 (E)
Resolution 1336 (2001)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 4263rd meeting, on
23 January 2001
The Security Council,
Reaffirming its resolution 864 (1993) of 15 September 1993 and all subsequent
relevant resolutions, in particular resolutions 1127 (1997) of 28 August 1997, 1173
(1998) of 12 June 1998, 1237 (1999) of 7 May 1999 and 1295 (2000) of 18 April
Reaffirming also its commitment to preserve the sovereignty and territorial
integrity of Angola,
Expressing its continued concern regarding the humanitarian effects of the
present situation on the civilian population of Angola,
Determining that the situation in Angola constitutes a threat to international
peace and security in the region,
Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,
1. Takes note of the final report (S/2000/1225) of the monitoring mechanism
established pursuant to resolution 1295 (2000);
2. Expresses its intention to give full consideration to the final report
pursuant to paragraph 5 of resolution 1295 (2000);
3. Decides to extend the mandate of the monitoring mechanism as set out in
resolution 1295 (2000) for a period of three months;
4. Requests the monitoring mechanism to report periodically to the
Committee established pursuant to resolution 864 (1993), and to provide a written
addendum to the final report, by 19 April 2001;
5. Requests the Secretary-General, upon adoption of this resolution and
acting in consultation with the Committee, to re-appoint up to five of the experts
appointed by him pursuant to resolution 1295 (2000) to serve on the monitoring
mechanism, and further requests the Secretary-General to make the necessary
financial arrangements to support the work of the monitoring mechanism;
S/RES/1336 (2001)
6. Requests the Chairman of the Committee established pursuant to
resolution 864 (1993) to submit the written addendum to the final report to the
Council by 19 April 2001;
7. Calls upon all States to cooperate fully with the monitoring mechanism
in the discharge of its mandate;
8. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.