S/RES/1604 (2005)*
Security Council Distr.: General
17 June 2005
05-38644* (E)
Resolution 1604 (2005)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 5202nd meeting, on
15 June 2005
The Security Council,
Welcoming the report of the Secretary-General of 27 May 2005 (S/2005/353)
on the United Nations operation in Cyprus,
Reiterating its call to the parties to assess and address the humanitarian issue
of missing persons with due urgency and seriousness, and welcoming in this regard
the… [read more] resumption of the activities of the Committee on Missing Persons since August
Welcoming the Secretary-General’s review of the United Nations peacekeeping
operation in Cyprus (UNFICYP), pursuant to resolution 1568 (2004) of 22 October
Noting that the Government of Cyprus is agreed that in view of the prevailing
conditions in the island it is necessary to keep UNFICYP beyond 15 June 2005,
Taking note of the assessment of the Secretary-General that the security
situation on the island continues to be stable and that the situation along the Green
Line remains calm, and, nonetheless, that there were problems in a few sensitive
areas, and welcoming in this context the further decrease in the overall number of
incidents involving the two sides,
Welcoming the Secretary-General’s intention to keep the operations of
UNFICYP under close review, continuing to take into account developments on the
ground and the views of the parties, and to revert to the Council with
recommendations for further adjustments as appropriate to UNFICYP’s mandate,
force levels and concept of operation once he judges that sufficient time has passed
since the implementation of UNFICYP’s new concept of operations to make this
Taking note with satisfaction of the lifting of restrictions of movement of
UNFICYP by the Turkish Cypriot side and the Turkish forces, and taking note in
this connection that UNFICYP enjoys good cooperation from both sides,
* Reissued for technical reasons.
S/RES/1604 (2005)
Welcoming the fact that over seven million crossings by Greek Cypriots to the
north and Turkish Cypriots to the south have taken place, and encouraging the
opening of additional crossing points,
Expressing concern at the increase in crime across the ceasefire line and urging
both sides to increase cooperation in order to address this issue,
Welcoming all efforts to promote bicommunal contacts and events, including,
inter alia, on the part of the United Nations, and urging the two sides to promote
further bicommunal contacts and to remove any obstacles to such contacts,
Echoing the Secretary-General’s gratitude to the Government of Cyprus and
the Government of Greece for their voluntary contributions to the funding of
UNFICYP, and his request for further voluntary contributions from other countries
and organizations,
Welcoming and encouraging efforts by the United Nations to sensitize
peacekeeping personnel in the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS and other
communicable diseases in all its peacekeeping operations,
1. Reaffirms all its relevant resolutions on Cyprus, in particular resolution
1251 (1999) of 29 June 1999 and subsequent resolutions;
2. Decides to extend the mandate of UNFICYP for a further period ending
15 December 2005;
3. Calls on the Turkish Cypriot side and Turkish forces to restore in
Strovilia the military status quo which existed there prior to 30 June 2000;
4. Requests the Secretary-General to submit a report on implementation of
this resolution by 1 December 2005;
5. Welcomes the efforts being undertaken by UNFICYP to implement the
Secretary-General’s zero tolerance policy on sexual exploitation and abuse and to
ensure full compliance of its personnel with the United Nations code of conduct,
requests the Secretary-General to continue to take all necessary action in this regard
and to keep the Security Council informed, and urges troop-contributing countries to
take appropriate preventive action including the conduct of pre-deployment
awareness training, and to take disciplinary action and other action to ensure full
accountability in cases of such conduct involving their personnel;
6. Decides to remain seized of the matter. [^]