181 (1963). Resolution of 7 August 1963
The Security Council,
Having considered the question of race conflict in South Africa resulting from the policies of apartheid of the
Government of the Republic of South Africa, as submitted by the thirty-two African Member States,
Recalling its resolution 134(1960) of 1 April 1960,
Taking into account that world public opinion has been reflected in General Assembly resolution 1761 (XVII) of 6
November 1962, and particularly in its paragraphs 4… [read more] and 8,
Noting with appreciation the interim reports adopted on 6 May and 16 July 1963 by the Special Committee on the
Policies of apartheid of the Government of the Republic of South Africa,
Noting with concern the recent arms build-up by the Government of South Africa, some of which arms are being
used in furtherance of that Government's racial policies,
Regretting that some States are indirectly providing encouragement in various ways to the Government of South
Africa to perpetuate, by force, its policy of apartheid,
Regretting the failure of the Government of South Africa to accept the invitation of the Security Council to
delegate a representative to appear before it,
Being convinced that the situation in South Africa is seriously disturbing international peace and security,
1. Strongly deprecates the policies of South Africa in its perpetuation of racial discrimination as being
inconsistent with the principles contained in the Charter of the United Nations and contrary to its obligations
as a Member of the United Nations;
2. Calls upon the Government of South Africa to abandon the policies of apartheid and discrimination, as called
for in Security Council resolution 134 (1960), and to liberate all persons imprisoned, interned or subjected to
other restrictions for having opposed the policy of apartheid;
3. Solemnly calls upon all States to cease forthwith the sale and shipment of arms, ammunition of all types and
military vehicles to South Africa;
4. Requests the Secretary-General to keep the situation in South Africa under observation and to report to the
Security Council by 30 October 1963.
Adopted at the 1056th meeting by 9 votes to none, with 2 abstentions (France, United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland). [^]