S/RES/1886 (2009)
Security Council Distr.: General
15 September 2009
09-51407 (E)
Resolution 1886 (2009)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 6189th meeting, on
15 September 2009
The Security Council,
Recalling its previous resolutions and the Statements of its President
concerning the situation in Sierra Leone, in particular resolution 1829 (2008),
Commending the valuable contribution that the United Nations Integrated
Peacebuilding Office in Sierra Leone (UNIPSIL) has made to… [read more] peacebuilding efforts
and to the country’s peace, security and development,
Welcoming the report of the Secretary-General dated 1 September 2009
(S/2009/438) and his recommendation that the mandate of UNIPSIL be extended for
a period of one year until 30 September 2010, with a view to providing continued
peacebuilding assistance to the Government of Sierra Leone,
Emphasizing the importance of continued integrated support of the United
Nations system and the international community for the long-term peace, security
and development of Sierra Leone, particularly through strengthening the capacity of
the Government of Sierra Leone,
Welcoming the Government’s Agenda for Change as the core strategic
document for the country for the period until the end of 2012, and calling upon all
international partners to align their assistance with the priorities outlined in the
Agenda for Change,
Commending UNIPSIL and the United Nations Country Team for articulating a
new and innovative approach to peacebuilding in the United Nations Joint Vision
document, welcoming the integration of the political mandate of UNIPSIL with the
development and humanitarian mandates of the United Nations Country Team, and
encouraging all United Nations entities in Sierra Leone to continue to implement
the Joint Vision strategy,
Welcoming the political parties’ Joint Communiqué of 2 April 2009 and its
contribution towards the immediate cessation of the political violence in Sierra
Leone, and calling upon all political parties and other relevant actors to adhere to its
provisions and ensure its implementation,
Reiterating its appreciation for the work of the Peacebuilding Commission and
welcoming the outcome of its Special High-Level Session on Sierra Leone on
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10 June 2009, which articulated a roadmap for the Commission’s continued
engagement with Sierra Leone in alignment with the Government’s Agenda for
Reiterating its appreciation for the work of the Special Court for Sierra Leone,
stressing the importance of the trial of former Liberian President Charles Taylor by
the Court, as well as effective outreach on the trial at local level, welcoming the
progress made in other trials, reiterating its expectation that the Court will finish its
work as soon as possible, and calling upon Member States to contribute to the
Welcoming the role played by the Economic Community of West African
States, and encouraging the Member States of the Mano River Union and other
regional organisations to continue promoting regional peace and security,
1. Decides to extend the mandate of UNIPSIL, as set out in resolution
1829 (2008), until 30 September 2010;
2. Emphasizes the importance for UNIPSIL of achieving jointly with the
UN country team the objectives of the Joint Vision within their respective mandates
and, in particular, focusing on providing support to the Government of Sierra Leone
in its efforts regarding constitutional reform, building police capacity, tackling
corruption, illicit drug trafficking and organized crime, as well as addressing youth
unemployment, supporting the preparations for the 2012 elections, and assisting the
work of the Peacebuilding Commission and the Peacebuilding Fund;
3. Encourages the Executive Representative of the Secretary-General to
pursue his action to enhance the integration and effectiveness of United Nations
efforts on the ground in support of the implementation of the Joint Vision in Sierra
Leone and of the recovery and development priorities of the Government and people
of Sierra Leone;
4. Calls upon the Secretary-General to develop a set of benchmarks for the
transition of UNIPSIL into a UN Country Team presence, taking into account those
already agreed upon by the government and the UN in the Joint Vision for Sierra
Leone, and the particular challenges involved in preparing for the 2012 elections, to
keep these under active review, and regularly report on progress to the Security
5. Emphasizes that the Government of Sierra Leone bears primary
responsibility for peacebuilding, security and long-term development in the country,
and encourages the Government of Sierra Leone to continue the implementation of
the Agenda for Change, the Peacebuilding Commission to follow actively
developments and mobilize international support as needed, and existing as well as
potential new international donors to provide support to the Government;
6. Calls upon the Government of Sierra Leone, UNIPSIL and all other
stakeholders in the country to increase their efforts to promote good governance,
including through continued measures to combat corruption, improve accountability,
promote the development of the private sector to generate wealth and employment
opportunities, intensify efforts against drug trafficking and strengthen the judiciary
and promote human rights, including through implementation of the
recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and sustaining
support to the National Human Rights Commission;
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7. Emphasizes the important role of women in the prevention and resolution
of conflicts and in peacebuilding, as recognized in resolutions 1325 (2000) and
1820 (2008), underlines that a gender perspective should be taken into account in
implementing all aspects of the mandate of UNIPSIL, and encourages UNIPSIL to
work with the Government of Sierra Leone in this regard;
8. Requests that the Secretary-General keep the Council informed every six
months of progress made in the implementation of the mandate of UNIPSIL and this
9. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter. [^]