S/RES/2005 (2011)
Security Council Distr.: General
14 September 2011
11-49700 (E)
Resolution 2005 (2011)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 6611th meeting, on
14 September 2011
The Security Council,
a. Recalling its previous resolutions and the statements of its President
concerning the situation in Sierra Leone, in particular resolution 1941 (2010),
b. Welcoming the report of the Secretary-General dated 2 September 2011
(S/2011/554) and taking note of his recommendation that the… [read more] mandate of the United
Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in Sierra Leone (UNIPSIL) be extended for
a period of one year, with a view to providing continued peacebuilding assistance to
the Government of Sierra Leone, including preparations for the elections in 2012,
c. Welcoming the preparations currently under way for the national and
local elections to be held in 2012, and underlining the importance of the
Government and the international community in continuing efforts to foster an
environment that is conducive to the holding of peaceful, transparent, free and fair
elections by strengthening the national electoral and democratic institutions,
providing security, ensuring political access by the contestants to all regions of the
country, making available forums for mediation and dialogue and assuring the
credibility of the electoral process, and in doing so, contribute to the institutional
development and continued stability of the country,
d. Mindful of the United Nations efforts in assisting the Government to
address the capacity challenges of the national electoral institutions, and noting the
potential for an increase in tensions during the preparation for, and the period
leading up to, the 2012 elections in Sierra Leone, due to political, security,
socio-economic and humanitarian challenges,
e. Welcoming the ongoing implementation of the 2 April 2009 Joint
Communiqué by the political parties, including efforts to prevent political violence
among the youth and to enhance greater political participation of women, and
underlining the need for political parties to hasten the full implementation of its
provisions and to ensure that their supporters abide by the code of conduct for
political parties and remain committed to sustained cessation of the political
violence in Sierra Leone,
f. Welcoming the steady progress the Government has made in
implementing the Agenda for Change, in particular steps taken with regard to
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strengthening the Government’s control over natural resources and to combat
corruption, and noting the challenges that remain to be addressed in the
Government’s national peacebuilding strategy and the efforts being made to address
g. Recognizing the challenges posed by illicit drug trafficking, corruption
and youth unemployment, welcoming the progress made under the West Africa
Coast Initiative, in particular the establishment of the Transnational Organized
Crime Unit to address the growing problem of illicit drug trafficking, organized
crime and drug abuse in Sierra Leone, and appreciating the coordinated efforts by
the international development partners to address the challenge of youth
h. Emphasizing the importance of the continued integrated support of the
United Nations system and the international community for the long-term peace,
security and development of Sierra Leone,
i. Commending the valuable contribution that UNIPSIL has made to
peacebuilding efforts in Sierra Leone, and its continued progress with the United
Nations country team, in achieving the integration of the political, development and
humanitarian mandates as set out in the United Nations Joint Vision, encouraging
all United Nations entities in Sierra Leone to continue the implementation of the
Joint Vision, and calling on Sierra Leone’s bilateral and multilateral partners to
provide the necessary resources to implement the Joint Vision,
j. Stressing that the 2012 elections and the wide acceptance of the outcome
will be a major milestone indicating the consolidation of peace and security in
Sierra Leone, which should help to define the transition of UNIPSIL into a United
Nations country team,
k. Acknowledging the role that the Peacebuilding Commission and the
Peacebuilding Fund play in support of the peacebuilding efforts in Sierra Leone,
l. Reiterating its appreciation for the work of the Special Court for Sierra
Leone, stressing the importance of the trial of former Liberian President Charles
Taylor by the Court, welcoming the completion of all the other cases, as well as
effective outreach on the trials at the local level, reiterating its expectation that the
Court will finish its work as soon as possible, including any contempt cases, and
calling upon Member States to contribute generously to the Court and the Residual
Special Court,
m. Recalling that the responsibility for controlling the circulation of small
arms and light weapons within the territory of Sierra Leone and between Sierra
Leone and neighbouring States rests with the relevant governmental authorities in
accordance with the Economic Community of West African States Convention on
Small Arms and Light Weapons of 2006, and welcoming the launch of the national
action plan on Small Arms,
n. Welcoming the role played by the African Union and ECOWAS and
encouraging the Member States of the Mano River Union and other regional
organizations to continue their dialogue aimed at consolidating regional peace and
1. Decides to extend the mandate of UNIPSIL, as set out in resolution 1941
(2010), until 15 September 2012;
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2. Emphasizes the importance of UNIPSIL achieving jointly with the United
Nations country team, the objectives outlined in the Joint Vision within their
respective mandates, including focusing on:
i. Providing support to the Government of Sierra Leone and its electoral
and democratic institutions in the preparation for the 2012 elections as
requested, and providing technical assistance to all relevant stakeholders to
play a meaningful role, in accordance with relevant national legislation, in
achieving peaceful, credible and democratic elections;
ii. Providing assistance to conflict prevention and mitigation efforts, and
promoting dialogue among political parties, the Government and all relevant
iii. Assisting the Government and national institutions in tackling youth
unemployment, including through supporting training, education and skills
iv. Assisting the Government and national institutions in implementing the
Sierra Leone National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security; including
through advancing the four-pronged approach to addressing gender matters
adopted by UNIPSIL and the United Nations country team;
v. Providing assistance to the Government in promoting good governance,
the rule of law and human rights, including institutional reform; combating
illicit drug trafficking and organized crime; combating corruption; providing
support to the Human Rights Commission; and assisting in strengthening
national capacity-building in the areas of law enforcement, forensics, border
management, money-laundering and the strengthening of criminal justice
3. Calls on the Government of Sierra Leone, all political parties, as well as
all other stakeholders, in particular the civil society in Sierra Leone to contribute to
an atmosphere of political tolerance and peaceful coexistence and to demonstrate
their full commitment to the democratic process, so as to ensure that the 2012
elections are peaceful, transparent, free and fair;
4. Calling upon the Sierra Leone authorities to resolve any outstanding
issues regarding the electoral legal framework;
5. Urges the Government to step up its efforts to hold regular, inclusive and
constructive party political dialogue on all major national, political, social and
economic issues, which are clearly focused on identifying the priorities and
milestones necessary for the future peace and development of Sierra Leone;
6. Encourages the Executive Representative of the Secretary-General to
continue with the progress already made to enhance the integration and
effectiveness of United Nations efforts on the ground, in support of the
implementation of the Joint Vision in Sierra Leone and the recovery and
development priorities of the Government and people of Sierra Leone;
7. Calls upon the Secretary-General to continue to report on progress
achieved towards meeting the benchmarks, including in supporting the capacity of
key national institutions to be able to adequately address the causes of conflict and
manage political disputes by themselves, as agreed upon by the Government and the
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United Nations in the Joint Vision for Sierra Leone for the transition of UNIPSIL
into a United Nations country team;
8. Emphasizes that the Government of Sierra Leone bears the primary
responsibility for peacebuilding, security and long-term development in the country,
and encourages the Government of Sierra Leone to continue its implementation of
the Agenda for Change, and international partners to continue to provide support to
the Government;
9. Calls upon the Government of Sierra Leone, with the support of
UNIPSIL, development partners and all other stakeholders in the country to increase
their efforts to combat corruption, improve accountability, and promote the
development of the private sector in order to generate wealth and employment
opportunities; to continue good governance reform by supporting the
Anti-Corruption Commission and the Ministry of Mines and Mineral Resources to
increase the transparency and management of Sierra Leone’s natural and mineral
resources for the benefit of all Sierra Leoneans and mitigating the risk of resourcebased
conflict; to intensify efforts against illicit drug trafficking through
strengthening the Transnational Organized Crime Unit; and to promote human
rights, including through implementation of the recommendations of the Truth and
Reconciliation Commission and Sierra Leone’s Universal Periodic Review;
10. Encourages the Peacebuilding Commission to provide support to the
Government of Sierra Leone and UNIPSIL in preparation for the 2012 elections,
including the potential to mobilize support from international partners, and in the
implementation of the Government’s Agenda for Change and the United Nations
Joint Vision Strategy and in that regard to advise and keep the Council updated,
including on progress made in meeting core peacebuilding objectives, as necessary;
11. Commends the Government for recognizing the important role of women
in the prevention and resolution of conflicts and in peacebuilding, reaffirms the
importance of appropriate gender expertise and training in missions mandated by the
Security Council in accordance with resolutions 1325 (2000) and 1889 (2009),
underscores that the Government should continue its effort in addressing sexual and
gender-based violence, in accordance with resolutions 1820 (2008), 1888 (2009) and
1960 (2010) and encourages UNIPSIL to continue to work with the Government of
Sierra Leone in this area;
12. Requests that the Secretary-General keep the Council informed every six
months of progress made in the implementation of the mandate of UNIPSIL and this
13. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter. [^]