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Resolution 202

Southern Rhodesia


Resolution 202 (1965) of 6 May 1965
The Security Council,

Having examined the situation in Southern Rhodesia,
Recalling General Assembly resolutions 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960, 1747 (XVI) of 28 June 1962, 1760 (XVII)
of 31 October 1962, 1883 (XVIII) of 14 October 1963 and 1889 (XVIII) of 6 November 1963 and the resolutions of
the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of
Independence to Colonial. Countries and Peoples, especially its resolution of 22 April 1965,
Endorsing the requests which the General Assembly and the Special Committee have many times addressed to the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to obtain:
(a) The release of all political prisoners, detainees and restrictees,
(b) The repeal of all repressive and discriminatory legislation, and in particular the Law and Order (Maintenance)
Act and the Land Apportionment Act,
(c) The removal of all restrictions on political activity and the establishment of full democratic freedom and
equality of political rights,
Noting that the Special Committee has drawn the attention of the Security Council to the grave situation
prevailing in Southern Rhodesia and, in particular, to the serious implications of the elections announced to
take place on 7 May 1965 under a constitution which has been rejected by the majority of the people of Southern
Rhodesia and the abrogation of which has repeatedly been called for by the General Assembly and the Special
Committee since 1962,
Deeply disturbed at the further worsening of the situation in the Territory due to the application of the
aforementioned Constitution of 1961 and to recent events, especially the minority Government's threats of a
unilateral declaration of independence,
1. Notes the United Kingdom Government's statement of 27 October 1964 specifying the conditions under which
Southern Rhodesia might attain independence;
2. Notes further and approves the opinion of the majority of the population of Southern Rhodesia that the
United Kingdom should convene a constitutional conference;
3. Requests the United Kingdom Government and all States Members of the United Nations not to accept a
unilateral declaration of independence for Southern Rhodesia by the minority Government;
4. Requests the United Kingdom to take all necessary action to prevent a unilateral declaration of independence;
5. Requests the United Kingdom Government not to transfer under any circumstances to its colony of Southern
Rhodesia, as at present governed, any of the powers or attributes of sovereignty, but to promote the country's
attainment of independence by a democratic system of government in accordance with the aspirations of the
majority of the population;
6. Further requests the United Kingdom Government to enter into consultations with all concerned with a view
to convening, a conference of all political parties in order to adopt new constitutional provisions acceptable
to the majority of the people of Southern Rhodesia, so that the earliest possible date may be set for independence;
7. Decides to keep the question of Southern Rhodesia on its agenda.

Adopted at the 1202nd meeting by 7 votes to none, with 4 abstentions (France, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America).

United Kingdom, Zimbabwe
Southern Rhodesia
Security Council Composition