S/RES/2381 (2017)
Security Council Distr.: General 6 October 2017
Resolution 2381 (2017)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 8063rd meeting, on 5 October 2017
The Security Council, Welcoming the temporary, bilateral, national ceasefire announced on 4 September 2017 between the Government of Colombia and the National Liberation Army (ELN), Acknowledging the request by the Government of Colombia and the ELN (the parties) in their 29 September 2017 Joint Communiqué (the Joint… [read more] Communiqué) for the United Nations to participate as the international component and coordinator of a monitoring and verification mechanism (MVM), comprised of representatives of the Government of Colombia, the ELN, the United Nations and the Catholic Church, to verify compliance with the temporary bilateral ceasefire, Recalling the positive role played by the UN Mission in Colombia established by resolution 2261 (2016) in monitoring and verifying the definitive bilateral ceasefire and cessation of hostilities between the Government of Colombia and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia — People’s Army (FARC-EP), and recognising the contribution which the UN could make in the context of the ceasefire between the Government of Colombia and the ELN, Considering the Secretary-General’s letter to the President of the Security Council of 2 October 2017, 1. Welcomes the Secretary-General’s letter to the President of the Security Council of 2 October 2017; 2. Decides that the United Nations Verification Mission established in resolution 2366 (2017) shall, on a temporary basis until 9 January 2018, participate in and coordinate the work of the MVM, as outlined in the Joint Communiqué, in order to: (i) Verify compliance with the temporary, bilateral, national ceasefire with the ELN at the national, regional and local level; (ii) Endeavour to prevent incidents through enhanced coordination between the parties and resolution of disagreements; (iii) Enable timely response by the parties to incidents;
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(iv) Verify and report publicly and to the parties on compliance with the ceasefire; 3. Approves the recommendations in the Secretary-General’s letter of 2 October 2017, including the size and operational aspects required, for the United Nations Verification Mission to carry out this work, with the addition of no more than 70 international observers and drawing on the existing staffing, logistics and resources of the Mission without affecting the implementation of its previously mandated tasks under resolution 2366 (2017); 4. Welcomes the Secretary-General’s proposal to incorporate reporting with respect to the verification of the ceasefire within the reporting cycle already established by resolution 2366 (2017), and requests an additional update to the Security Council on the implementation of the tasks mandated by this resolution by 8 December 2017. [^]