Resolution 2669 (2022)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 9231st meeting, on 21 December 2022
The Security Council,
Expressing deep concern at the ongoing state of emergency imposed by the military in Myanmar on 1 February 2021 and its grave impact on the people of Myanmar,
Recalling its Press Statements SC/14986 of 27 July 2022, SC/14785 of 2 February 2022, SC/14430 of 4 February 2021 and Presidential Statements S/PRST/2021/5 of 10 March 2021 and S/PRST/2017/22 of 7 November 2017,
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Expressing further deep concern at all forms of violence across the country, and attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure, including educational, health and energy infrastructure and facilities, and attacks on businesses and public properties,
Recalling its condemnation of the execution of activists in July 2022 and reiterating its deep concern at the ongoing arbitrary detention of State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi and President Win Myint, among others,
Underlining the need to uphold the rule of law and to fully respect human rights, stressing in particular the need to fully protect the rights of women and children, stressing the importance of accountability, and expressing deep concern at restrictions on medical personnel, civil society, labour union members, journalists and media workers,
Expressing deep concern at the increasingly large numbers of internally displaced persons, and dramatic increase in humanitarian need, particularly among women, children and persons in vulnerable situations, stressing the need for the protection of minority groups, noting the rise in extreme poverty, and stressing the urgent need to mobilise sufficient resources to meet humanitarian needs in the country,
Reiterating the need for full, safe and unimpeded humanitarian access to all people in need; and underlining the need for the full protection, safety and security of humanitarian and medical personnel,
Stressing the need to uphold democratic institutions and processes in accordance with the will and interests of the people Myanmar,
Underlining the need for a peaceful, genuine and inclusive process to de-escalate violence and reach a sustainable political resolution; and stressing the need for any political process to include the full, equal and meaningful participation of women and of a diverse set of representatives from all sections of the society and political groups,
Reiterating its full support for ASEAN’s central role in facilitating a peaceful solution in the interests of the people of Myanmar and their livelihoods; welcoming the efforts of the Chair of ASEAN and the ASEAN Special Envoy on Myanmar, including efforts to facilitate constructive dialogue among all parties, as well as the provision of humanitarian assistance,
Expressing deep concern over the limited progress on the implementation of ASEAN’s Five Point Consensus, and reiterating its call for concrete actions to effectively and fully implement the Five Point Consensus,
Welcoming the ASEAN Leaders’ review and decision on the implementation of the Five Point Consensus which reaffirmed that the Five Point Consensus remains the valid reference and should be implemented in its entirety, and noting ASEAN’s call on the UN and ASEAN’s external partners to support ASEAN’s efforts in implementation of the Five Point Consensus,
Reiterating support to the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General on Myanmar for her good offices, and underlining the need for close coordination with the ASEAN Special Envoy, and encouraging them to maintain communication and engage intensively with all parties, and reaffirming the need for them to meet with all concerned parties,
Expressing concern that recent developments in Myanmar pose particularly serious challenges for the voluntary, safe, dignified, and sustainable return of Rohingya refugees and internally displaced persons, and underlining the risks that the Rohingya situation poses for the wider region,
Welcoming the recent release of prisoners by the military and the statement issued by the Special Envoy of the Chair of ASEAN and reiterating its call for the immediate release of all those who continue to be arbitrarily detained,
Commending the efforts of the Government of Bangladesh, with the assistance of the United Nations, their partners and other non-government organisations, to provide safety, shelter, and humanitarian assistance to those who have fled the violence in Myanmar,
Reaffirming its support for the people of Myanmar and its strong commitment to the sovereignty, political independence, territorial integrity and unity of Myanmar,
1. Demands an immediate end to all forms of violence throughout the country, and urges restraint and de-escalation of tensions;
2. Urges the Myanmar military to immediately release all arbitrarily detained prisoners, including President Win Myint and State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi;
3. Reiterates its call to uphold democratic institutions and processes and to pursue constructive dialogue and reconciliation in accordance with the will and interests of the people of Myanmar;
4. Urges all parties to respect human rights, fundamental freedoms and the rule of law;
5. Acknowledges ASEAN’s central role in helping to find a peaceful solution to the crisis in Myanmar in the interests of the people of Myanmar, and encourages the international community to support the ASEAN-led mechanism and process in this regard, including ASEAN’s efforts in the implementation of the Five Point Consensus;
6. Calls for concrete and immediate actions, noting the military’s commitments to ASEAN Leaders, to effectively and fully implement ASEAN’s Five Point Consensus agreed on 24 April 2021 by all members of ASEAN, and requests that the Secretary-General or through his Special Envoy, in coordination with the ASEAN Special Envoy, reports orally by 15 March 2023 to the Security Council on UN support on implementation of the Five Point Consensus;
7. Reiterates support for the ASEAN Special Envoy’s efforts to engage intensively with all relevant parties in Myanmar, with a focus on promoting fully inclusive and representative dialogue, to achieve an end to the violence and to support the path of democracy, and encourages close coordination with the UN Special Envoy in pursuit of this;
8. Urges all parties in Myanmar to work constructively with the ASEAN Special Envoy and the UN Special Envoy to commence dialogue to seek a peaceful solution in the interests of the people of Myanmar;
9. Reiterates the necessity for full, safe and unhindered humanitarian access, and underlines the need for scaled up humanitarian assistance to all people in need in Myanmar and to ensure the full protection, safety and security of humanitarian and medical personnel;
10. Underscores the need to address the root causes of the crisis in Rakhine State, and to create conditions necessary for the voluntary, safe, dignified and sustainable return of Rohingya refugees and internally displaced persons, encourages diplomatic efforts between the parties concerned to help address the issues facing Rohingyas, and further stresses the importance of providing continued protection and assistance to refugees and displaced persons;
11. Decides to remain seized of the matter. [^]