Resolution 270 (1969) of 26 August 1969
The Security Council,
Having considered the agenda contained in document S/Agenda/1498/Rev.l,
Having noted the contents of the letter of the Charge d'affaires ad interim of Lebanon (S/9383),
Having heard the statements of the representatives of Lebanon and Israel,
Grieved at the tragic loss of civilian life and property,
Gravely concerned about the deteriorating situation resulting from the violation of Security Council
Recalling the General Armistice Agreement between Israel and Lebanon of 23 March 1949, and the ceasefire
established pursuant to resolutions 233 (1967) and 234 (1967) of 6 and 7 June 1967, respectively,
Recalling its resolution 262 (1968) of 31 December 1968,
Mindful of its responsibility under the relevant provisions of the Charter of the United Nations,
1. Condemns the premeditated air attack by Israel on villages in southern Lebanon in violation of its
obligations under the Charter and Security Council resolutions;
2. Deplores all violent incidents in violation of the cease-fire;
3. Deplores the extension of the area of fighting;
4. Declares that such actions of military reprisal and other grave violations of the cease-fire cannot be
tolerated and that the Security Council would have to consider further and more effective steps as envisaged
in the Charter to ensure against repetition of such acts.
Adopted at the 1504th meeting.