Resolution 2715 (2023)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 9492nd meeting, on 1 December 2023
The Security Council,
Reaffirming all its previous resolutions, presidential statements and press statements concerning the situation in Sudan, and reiterating its strong commitment to the sovereignty, unity, independence, and territorial integrity of Sudan,
Recognising the work of the United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission (UNITAMS) since its establishment and taking note of the… [read more] Report of the Secretary-General of the United Nations on the situation in Sudan and the activities of UNITAMS (S/2023/861),
Taking note of the letter of the Government of Sudan addressed to the Secretary-General (S/2023/884), requesting the termination of the mandate of UNITAMS,
Expressing alarm at the continued violence and humanitarian situation, in particular violations of international humanitarian law and grave human rights violations and abuses, highlighting the grave impact on civilians, and calling upon all parties to the conflict to immediately cease hostilities, facilitate humanitarian access including by fulfilling their Jeddah commitments, and seek a negotiated solution to the conflict,
Welcoming diplomatic efforts under Intergovernmental Authority for Development (IGAD) and African Union leadership and welcoming the steadfast commitment of neighbouring countries to support civilians who have fled Sudan,
Encouraging international and regional organisations and UN Member States to respond swiftly to the growing humanitarian needs in Sudan and its neighbours, including the humanitarian needs identified in the revised Humanitarian Response Plan for Sudan and the Regional Refugee Response Plan, and further encouraging increased contributions to the Response Plans and for donors to ensure that all pledges are honoured in full and in a timely manner,
Calling upon all stakeholders to continue to work towards an inclusive and sustainable political settlement, in order for the aspirations of the Sudanese people for a peaceful, stable, democratic, and prosperous future to be realised, in full accordance with the principles of national ownership, and reaffirming that the Juba Peace Agreement signed on 3 October 2020 remains binding for all its signatories, in particular its provisions on a permanent ceasefire in Darfur,
1. Decides to terminate the mandate of UNITAMS under resolution 2579 (2021), as of 3 December 2023;
2. Requests UNITAMS to immediately start on 4 December 2023 the cessation of its operations and the process of the transfer of its tasks, where appropriate and to the extent feasible, to UN agencies, funds and programmes, with the objective of completing this by 29 February 2024, decides that the liquidation of UNITAMS shall commence 1 March 2024 and calls on UNITAMS to establish with the UN Country Team, as appropriate, financial arrangements enabling the UN to oversee the residual activities of programmatic cooperation previously initiated by UNITAMS;
3. Recognises the importance of UN agencies, funds and programmes, underlines the necessity of an orderly UNITAMS transition and liquidation in order to ensure the safety of UN personnel and the effective functioning of all UN operations, including humanitarian and development assistance;
4. Decides to authorise, for the duration of UNITAMS’ transition and liquidation, the retention of necessary security personnel from within existing footprint in Sudan to protect UNITAMS’ personnel, facilities and assets, calls on all relevant Sudanese parties to cooperate fully with the UN during UNITAMS’ transition and liquidation, and requests that the Secretary-General keep the Security Council regularly informed about the transition and liquidation;
5. Recalls the importance of the legal obligations of the Republic of Sudan under the 1946 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, and also the 4 July 2021 Status of Mission Agreement until the departure of the final element of UNITAMS from Sudan, and calls upon the parties to act in accordance with the obligations of the Republic of Sudan under these instruments;
6. Welcomes the appointment of the Secretary General’s Personal Envoy on Sudan Ramtane Lamamra to use his good offices with the parties and the neighbouring States, complementing regional peace efforts, including those of the African Union and IGAD, and calls on all parties to extend their cooperation in furtherance of his tasks;
7. Requests the Secretary-General to provide a written report in 90 days, and then brief the Security Council every 120 days on UN efforts to support Sudan on its path towards peace and stability, and to keep this reporting under review;
8. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter. [^]