Resolution 278 (1970) of 11 May 1970
The Security Council,
Noting the communication from the Secretary-General to the Security Council of 28 March 1970,
Noting also the statements made by the representatives of Iran and the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland In their letters to the Secretary-Genera] of 9 and 20 March 1970, respectively,
1. Endorses the report of the Personal Representative of the Secretary-General, which has been circulated to the
Security Council, under cover of a note from the Secretary General, on 30 April 1970;
2. Welcomes the conclusions and findings of the report, in particular that "the overwhelming majority of the
people of Bahrain wish to gain recognition of their identity in a fully independent and sovereign State free to
decide for itself its relations with other States".
Adopted unanimously at the 1536th meeting.