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Resolution 294

Complaint by Senegal


Resolution 294 (1971) of 15 July 1971
The Security Council,

Taking note of the complaints by Senegal against Portugal contained in documents S/10182 and S/10251,
Taking note of the letter of the Charge d'affaires ad interim of Portugal,
Having heard the statement of the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Senegal,
Bearing in mind that all States Members of the United Nations must refrain in their international relations from
the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any
other manner inconsistent with the purpose of the United Nations,
Conscious of its duty to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to
international peace and security and for the suppression of acts of aggression,
Disturbed by the increasingly serious situation created by acts of violence perpetrated by the Portuguese armed
forces against Senegal since the adoption of Security Council resolution 273 (1969) of 9 December 1969,
Deeply distressed by the repeated laying of mines in Senegalese territory,
Gravely concerned that incidents of this nature, by threatening the sovereignty and territorial integrity of
Senegal, might endanger international peace and security,
Bearing in mind its resolutions 178 (1963) of 24 April 1963, 204 (1965) of 19 May 1965 and 273 (1969) of 9
December 1969,
Having taken note of the report of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts of the Commission on Human Rights
concerning Portuguese acts of violence in Senegalese territory,
Noting that Portugal has not complied with the provisions of paragraph 2 of resolution 273 (1969),
1. Demands that the Government of Portugal should stop immediately any acts of violence and destruction in
Senegalese territory and respect the sovereignty, territorial integrity and security of Senegal;
2. Condemns the acts of violence and destruction perpetrated since 1963 by the Portuguese armed forces of
Guinea (Bissau) against the population and villages of Senegal;
3. Condemns the unlawful laying of anti-tank and anti-personnel mines in Senegalese territory;
4. Requests the President of the Security Council and the Secretary-General to send to the spot, as a matter of
urgency, a special mission of members of the Council assisted by their military experts to carry out an inquiry
into the facts of which the Council has been informed, to examine the situation along the border between Guinea
(Bissau) and Senegal and to report to the Council, making any recommendations aimed at guaranteeing peace and
security in this region.

Adopted at the 1572nd meeting by 13 votes to none, with 2 abstentions (United Kingdom of Great Britan and
Northern Ireland, United States of America).

Portugal, Senegal
Complaint by Senegal
Related with resolutions
178 204 273
Quoted in resolutions
302 321
Security Council Composition