Resolution 308 (1972) of 19 January 1972
The Security Council,
Having considered, at the invitation of the General Assembly, the request of the Organization of African Unity
concerning the holding of meetings of the Security Council in an African capital (General Assembly resolution
2863 (XXVI), paragraph 2),
Recalling the decisions taken at its 1625th meeting on 11 January 1972,
Recalling in particular the decision to accede in principle to the request of the Organization of African Unity,
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Taking note with gratitude of the offers by the Governments of Ethiopia, Guinea, Senegal and Zambia to act as
hosts to the Security Council in their respective capitals,
Having considered the report of the Committee on Council Meetings away from Headquarters,
Taking note in particular of the statements concerning cost estimates reproduced in annex I of the Committee's
Bearing in mind the recommendations submitted by the Committee in chapter VI of its report,
1. Decides to hold meetings in Addis Ababa, beginning on Friday, 28 January, and ending no later
than Friday, 4 February 1972, devoted to the item entitled "Consideration of questions relating to Africa of
which the Security Council is currently seized and implementation of the Council's relevant resolutions";
2. Expresses its gratitude to the Government of Ethiopia for its stated readiness to act as host to the Security
Council meetings and to provide certain facilities without cost to the United Nations;
3. Requests the Secretary-General to enter into immediate negotiations with the Government of Ethiopia with a
view to concluding a conference agreement along the lines set out in annex II of the Committee's report.
Adopted at the 1626th meeting. [^]