Resolution 311 (1972) of 4 February 1972
The Security Council,
Noting with grave concern the aggravation of the situation in South Africa resulting from the continued
intensification and expansion of the policies of apartheid and repression by the Government of South Africa,
Having heard the statements of those individuals invited to address the Council on this question,
Taking note of the statement of the representative of the Special Committee on Apartheid,
Deploring the persistent refusal… [read more] of the Government of South Africa to implement the resolutions adopted by the
Security Council in order to promote a peaceful solution in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations,
Gravely concerned that the situation in South Africa seriously disturbs international peace and security in
southern Africa,
Noting the continued military build-up and strengthening of its military capability by the Government of South
Convinced that urgent measures must be taken by the Security Council to secure implementation of its resolutions
and thereby promote a solution to the grave situation in South Africa and southern Africa,
1. Condemns the Government of South Africa for continuing its policies of apartheid in violation of its obligations
under the Charter of the United Nations;
2. Reiterates its total opposition to the policies of apartheid of the Government of South Africa;
3. Recognizes the legitimacy of the struggle of the oppressed people of South Africa in pursuance of their human
and political rights, as set forth in the Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
4. Urgently calls upon the Government of South Africa to release all persons imprisonned, interned or subjected
to other restrictions as a result of the policies of apartheid;
5. Calls upon all States to observe strictly the arms embargo against South Africa;
6. Urges Governments and individuals to contribute generously and regularly to the United Nations funds which are
used for humanitarian and training purposes to assist the victims of apartheid;
7. Commends the inter-governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations and individuals for assisting in
the education and training of South Africans and urges those who do not to begin and those who do to expand their
efforts in this field;
8. Decides, as a matter of urgency, to examine methods of resolving the present situation arising out out of the
policies of apartheid of the Government of South Africa.
Adopted at the 1639th meeting by 14 votes to none, with 1 abstention (France). [^]