41 (1948). Resolution of 28 February 1948
[S/678] The Security Council,
Having considered the report of the Committee of Good Offices, informing the Council of the steps taken by the Netherlands Government and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to comply with the Council's resolution 27 (1947) of 1 August 1947,
1. Notes with satisfaction the signing of the Truce Agreement by both parties and the acceptance by both parties of certain principles as an agreed basis for the conclusion of a… [read more] political settlement in Indonesia;
2. Commends the members of the Committee of Good Offices for the assistance they have given the two parties in their endeavours to settle their dispute by peaceful means;
3. Maintains its offer of good offices contained in its resolution 31 (1947) of 25 August 1947; and, to this end,
4. Requests both parties and the Committee of Good Offices to keep the Council directly informed about the progress of the political settlement in Indonesia.
Adopted at the 259th meeting by 7 votes to none, with 4 abstentions (Colombia, Syria, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics'). [^]