Resolution 463 (1980) of 2 February 1980
The Security Council,
Having considered the latest developments in Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe),
Recalling its resolutions on the situation in Southern Rhodesia, and in particular resolution 460 (1979),
Noting that the conference held at Lancaster House, in London, has produced agreement on the Constitution for a
free and independent Zimbabwe providing for genuine majority rule, on arrangements for bringing that Constitution
into effect and on a cease-… [read more]fire,
Noting also that the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, having resumed its
responsibility as the administering Power, is committed to decolonizing Southern Rhodesia on the basis of free and
democratic elections which will lead Southern Rhodesia to genuine independence acceptable to the international
community in accordance with the objectives of General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960,
Concerned at the numerous violations of the terms of the Lancaster House agreement.
Reaffirming the need for strict compliance with the terms of paragraph 7 of resolution 460 (1979), which called
upon the administering Power to ensure that no South African or other external forces, regular or mercenary, would
remain in or enter Southern Rhodesia, except those forces provided for under the Lancaster House agreement,
1. Reaffirms the inalienable right of the people of Zimbabwe to self-determination, freedom and independence, as
enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and in conformity with the objectives of General Assembly
resolution 1514 (XV);
2. Calls upon all parties to comply with the Lancaster House agreement;
3. Calls upon the administering Power to ensure the full and impartial implementation of the letter and spirit of
the Lancaster House agreement;
4. Calls upon the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, while noting its
announcement that the South African troops have been withdrawn from the Beit Bridge, to ensure the immediate,
complete and unconditional withdrawal of any other South African forces, regular or mercenary, from Southern
5. Calls upon the Government of the United Kingdom to take all necessary steps in order to ensure that eligible
Zimbabwe nationals will freely participate in the forthcoming electoral process, including:
(a) The speedy and unimpeded return of Zimbabwe exiles and refugees in conformity with the Lancaster House
(b) The release of all political prisoners;
(c) The strict compliance by all the forces with the terms of the Lancaster House agreement and the confinement
forthwith of the Rhodesian and auxiliary forces to their bases in conformity with that agreement;
(d) The according of equal treatment to all parties to the agreement;
(e) The rescinding of all emergency measures and regulations inconsistent with the conduct of free and fair
6. Calls upon the Government of the United Kingdom to create conditions in Southern Rhodesia which will ensure
free and fair elections and thereby avert the danger of the collapse of the Lancaster House agreement, which
could have serious consequences for international peace and security.
7. Calls upon the Government of the United King-
dom to release any South African political prisoners, including captured freedom Fighters, in Southern Rhodesia
and to ensure their safe passage to any country of their choice;
8. Strongly condemns the racist regime in South Africa for interference in the internal affairs of Southern
9. Calls upon all Member States to respect only the free and fair choice of the people of Zimbabwe;
10. Decides to keep the situation in Southern Rhodesia under review until the Territory attains full independence
under genuine majority rule.
Adopted at the 2196th meeting by 14 votes to none. [^]