Resolution 513 (1982) of 4 July 1982
The Security Council,
Alarmed by the continued sufferings of the Lebanese and Palestinian civilian populations in southern Lebanon and
in west Beirut,
Referring to the humanitarian principles of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and to the obligations arising from the
regulations annexed to The Hague Convention of 1907,
Reaffirming its resolutions 508 (1982), 509 (1982) and 512 (1982),
1. Calls for respect for the rights of the civilian populations without any discrimination and repudiates all acts
of violence against those populations:
2. Calls further for the restoration of the normal supply of vital facilities such as water, electricity, food and
medical provisions, particularly in Beirut;
3. Commends the efforts of the Secretary-General and the action of international agencies to alleviate the
sufferings of the civilian population and requests them to continue their efforts to ensure their success.
Adopted unanimously at the 2382nd meeting.