Resolution 577 (1985) of 6 December 1985
The Security Council,
Having examined the report of the Security Council Commission of Investigation established under resolution
571 (1985),
Having considered the statement of the Permanent Representative of the People's Republic of Angola to the
United Nations,
Gravely concerned at the numerous hostile and unprovoked acts of aggression committed by the racist regime
of South Africa violating the sovereignty, airspace and territorial integrity of the… [read more] People's Republic of Angola,
Grieved at the tragic loss of human life and concerned about the damage to and destruction of property resulting
from repeated acts of aggression committed by the South African racist regime,
Convinced that these wanton acts of aggression by the minority racist regime in South Africa form a consistent
and sustained pattern of violations aimed at destroying the economic infrastructure of the People's Republic of
Angola and weakening its support of the struggle of the people of Namibia for freedom and national liberation.
Recalling its resolutions 571 (1985) and 574 (1985) by which it, inter alia, strongly condemned South Africa's
armed invasion perpetrated against the People's Republic of Angola and demanded that South Africa should
scrupulously respect the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Angola,
Reaffirming that the pursuance of these acts of aggression against Angola constitutes a threat to international
peace and security,
Conscious of the need to take immediate and effective steps for the prevention and removal of all threats to
international peace and security,
1. Endorses the report of the Security Council Commission of Investigation established under resolution 571
(1985) and expresses its appreciation to the members of the Commission;
2. Strongly condemns the racist South African regime for its continued, intensified and unprovoked acts of
aggression against the People's Republic of Angola, which constitute a flagrant violation of the sovereignty and
territorial integrity of Angola;
3. Strongly condemns South Africa's utilization of the international Territory of Namibia as a springboard for
armed invasions and destabilization of the People's Republic of Angola;
4. Demands once again that South Africa cease immediately all acts of aggression against the People's Republic
of Angola and unconditionally withdraw forthwith all forces occupying Angolan territory as well as scrupulously
respect the sovereignty, airspace, territorial integrity and independence of Angola;
5. Commends the People's Republic of Angola for its steadfast support for the people of Namibia in their just
and legitimate struggle against the illegal occupation of their territory by South Africa and for the enjoyment of
their inalienable rights to self determination and national independence;
6. Requests Member States urgently to extend all necessary assistance to the People's Republic of Angola, in order
to strengthen its defence capacity;
7. Demands that South Africa pay full and adequate compensation to the People's Republic of Angola for the damage
to life and property resulting from the acts of aggression;
8. Requests Member States and international organizations urgently to extend material and other forms of assistance
to the People's Republic of Angola in order to facilitate the immediate reconstruction of its economic
9. Requests the Secretary-General to monitor developments in this situation and report to the Security Council
as necessary, but no later than 30 June 1986, on the implementation of the present resolution and, in particular,
of paragraphs 7 and 8 thereof;
10. Decides to remain seized of the matter.
Adopted unanimously at the 2631st meeting, following a separate vote on operative paragraph 6. [^]