Resolution 618 (1988) of 29 July 1988
The Security Council,
Taking note of paragraph 23 of the Secretary-General's report on the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
concerning the abduction of Lieutenant-Colonel William Richard Higgins, a military observer of the United Nations
Truce Supervision Organization serving with the Force,
Recalling the Secretary-General's special report on the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon,
Recalling also its resolution 579 (1985) of 18 December 1985, which, inter alia, condemned unequivocally all
acts of hostage-taking and abduction and called for the immediate release of all hostages and abducted persons
wherever and by whomever they are being held,
1. Condemns the abduction of Lieutenant-Colonel Higgins;
2. Demands his immediate release;
3. Calls upon Member States to use their influence in any way possible to promote the implementation of the
present resolution.
Adopted unanimously at the 2822nd meeting.