Resolution 649 (1990)
of 12 March 1990
The Security Council,
Having considered the report of the Secretary-General of 8 March 1990 52 on the recent meeting between the leaders of the two communities in Cyprus and on his assessment of the current situation,
Recalling its relevant resolutions on Cyprus,
Recalling also the statement made by the President of the Security Council on 22 February 199049 calling upon the leaders of the two communities to demonstrate the necessary goodwill and… [read more] flexibility and to cooperate with the Secretary-General so that the talks will result in a major step forward toward the resolution of the Cyprus problem,
Expressing its regret that, in the more than twenty-five years since the establishment of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus, it has not been possible to achieve a negotiated settlement of all aspects of the Cyprus problem,
Concerned that, at the recent meeting in New York, it was not possible to achieve results in arriving at an agreed outline of an overall agreement,
1. Reaffirms in particular its resolution 367 (1975) of 12 March 1975 as well as its support for the 1977 53 and 1979 54 high-level agreements between the leaders of the two communities in which they pledged to establish a bi-communal Federal Republic of Cyprus that will safeguard its independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and non-alignment, and exclude union in whole or in part with any other country and any form of partition or secession;
2. Expresses its full support for the current effort of the Secretary-General in carrying out his mission of good offices concerning Cyprus;
3. Calls upon the leaders of the two communities to pursue their efforts to reach freely a mutually acceptable solution providing for the establishment of a federation that will be bi-communal as regards the constitutional aspects and bi-zonal as regards the territorial aspects, in line with the present resolution and their 1977 and 1979 high-level agreements, and to co-operate, on an equal footing, with the Secretary-General in completing, in the first instance and on an urgent basis, an outline of an overall agreement, as agreed in June 1989;
4. Requests the Secretary-General to pursue his mission of good offices in order to achieve the earliest possible progress and, toward this end, to assist the two communities by making suggestions to facilitate the discussions;
5. Calls upon the parties concerned to refrain from any action that could aggravate the situation;
6. Decides to remain actively seized of the situation
and the current effort;
7. Requests the Secretary-General to inform the Security Council, in his report due by 31 May 1990, of the progress made in resuming the intensive talks and in developing an agreed outline of an overall agreement in line with the present resolution.
Adopted unanimously at the 2909th meeting. [^]