Resolution 746 (1992)
of 17 March 1992
The Security Council,
Considering the request by Somalia for the Security Council to consider the situation in Somalia,174
Reaffirming its resolution 733 (1992) of 23 January 1992,
Having considered the report of the Secretary-General of 11 March 1992 182 on the situation in Somalia,
Taking note of the signing at Mogadishu on 3 March 1992 of the cease-fire agreements,183 including agreements for the implementation of measures aimed at stabilizing the… [read more] cease-fire through a United Nations monitoring mission,
Deeply regretting that the factions have not yet abided by their commitment to implement the cease-fire and thus have still not permitted the unimpeded provision and distribution of humanitarian assistance to the people in need in Somalia,
Deeply disturbed by the magnitude of the human suffering caused by the conflict and concerned that the continuation of the situation in Somalia constitutes a threat to international peace and security,
Bearing in mind that the factors described in paragraph 76 of the Secretary-General's report must be taken into account,
Cognizant of the importance of cooperation between the United Nations and regional organizations in the context of Chapter VIII of the Charter of the United Nations,
Underlining the importance which it attaches to the international, regional and non-governmental organizations, including the International Committee of the Red Cross, continuing to provide humanitarian and other relief assistance to the people of Somalia under difficult circumstances,
Expressing its appreciation to the regional organizations, including the Organization of African Unity, the League of Arab States and the Organization of the Islamic Conference, for their cooperation with the United Nations in the effort to resolve the Somali problem,
1. Takes note with appreciation of the report of the Secretary-General of 11 March 1992 on the situation in Somalia,182
2. Urges the Somali factions to honour their commitment under the cease-fire agreements signed at Mogadishu on 3 March 1992,183
3. Urges all the Somali factions to cooperate with the Secretary-General and to facilitate the delivery by the United Nations, its specialized agencies and other humanitarian organizations of humanitarian assistance to all those in need of it, under the supervision of the coordinator mentioned in resolution 733 (1992);
4. Requests the Secretary-General to pursue his humanitarian efforts in Somalia and to use all the resources at his disposal, including those of the relevant United Nations agencies, to address urgently the critical needs of the affected population in Somalia;
5. Appeals to all Member States and to all humanitarian organizations to contribute to and to cooperate with these humanitarian relief efforts;
6. Strongly supports the Secretary-General's decision urgently to dispatch a technical team to Somalia, accompanied by the Coordinator, in order to work within the framework and objectives outlined in paragraphs 73 and 74 of his report and to submit expeditiously a report to the Security Council on this matter;
7. Requests that the technical team also develop a high-priority plan to establish mechanisms to ensure the unimpeded delivery of humanitarian assistance;
8. Calls on all parties, movements and factions in Mogadishu in particular, and in Somalia in general, to respect fully the security and safety of the technical team and the personnel of the humanitarian organizations and to guarantee their complete freedom of movement in and around Mogadishu and other parts of Somalia;
9. Calls upon the Secretary-General to continue, in close cooperation with the Organization of African Unity, the League of Arab States and the Organization of the Islamic Conference, his consultations with all Somali parties, movements and factions towards the convening of a conference for national reconciliation and unity in Somalia;
10. Calls upon all Somali parties, movements and factions to cooperate fully with the Secretary-General in the implementation of the present resolution;
11. Decides to remain seized of the matter until a peaceful solution is achieved.
Adopted unanimously at the 3060th meeting. [^]