S/RES/813 (1993)
26 March 1993
RESOLUTION 813 (1993)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 3187th meeting.
on 26 March 1993
The Security Council.
Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on the question of Liberia (S/25402),
Recalling its resolution 788 (1992) of 19 November 1992,
Further recalling the statements by the President of the Council on its behalf on 22 January 1991 (S/22133) and 7 May 1992 (S/23886) on the situation in Liberia,
Reaffirming its belief that the… [read more] Yamoussoukro IV Accord of 30 October 1991 (S/24815) offers the best possible framework for a peaceful resolution of the Liberian conflict by creating the necessary climate and conditions for free and fair elections in Liberia,
Deploring that parties to the conflict in Liberia have not respected or implemented the various accords to date, especially the Yamoussoukro IV Accord,
Noting that the continuing breach of earlier accords hinders the creation of a climate and conditions conducive to the holding of free and fair elections in accordance with the Yamoussoukro IV Accord,
Recognizing the need for increased humanitarian assistance,
Welcoming the continued commitment of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to and the efforts towards a peaceful resolution of the Liberian conflict.
Further welcoming the endorsement and support by the Organization of African Unity (OAU) of these efforts,
Recalling the provisions of Chapter VIII of the Charter of the United Nations,
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Determining that the deterioration of the situation in Liberia constitutes a threat to international peace and security, particularly in this region of West Africa,
1. Approves the report of the Secretary-General on the question of Liberia (S/25402);
2. Commends ECOWAS for its efforts to restore peace, security and stability in Liberia;
3. Commends the OAU for its efforts in support of the peace process in Liberia;
4. Reaffirms its belief that the Yamoussoukro IV Accord offers the best possible framework for a peaceful resolution of the Liberian conflict by creating the necessary conditions for free and fair elections in Liberia, and encourages ECOWAS to continue its efforts to assist in the peaceful implementation of this Accord;
5. Condemns the violation of the cease-fire of 28 November 1990 by any party to the conflict;
6. Condemns the continuing armed attacks against the peace-keeping forces of ECOWAS in Liberia by one of the parties to the conflict;
7. Reiterates its call upon all parties to respect and implement the cease-fire and the various accords of the peace process, including the Yamoussoukro IV Accord of 30 October 1991, and the Final Communique of the Informal Consultative Group Meeting of the ECOWAS Committee of Five in Liberia, issued at Geneva on 7 April 1992, to which they themselves have agreed;
8. Welcomes the Secretary-General's appointment of
Mr. Trevor Gordon-Somers as his Special Representative for Liberia;
9. Calls upon all States strictly to abide by and comply with the general and complete embargo on all deliveries of weapons and military equipment to Liberia imposed by resolution 788 (1992) under Chapter VII of. the United Nations Charter;
10. Demands that all parties fully cooperate with the Secretary—General of the United Nations and ECOWAS with a view to ensuring the full and prompt implementation of the Yamoussoukro IV Accord of 30 October 1991;
11. Declares its readiness to consider appropriate measures in support of ECOWAS if any party is unwilling to cooperate in implementation of the provisions of the Yamoussoukro Accords, in particular the encampment and disarmament provisions;
12. Reiterates its call on Member States to exercise self-restraint in their relations with all parties to the Liberian conflict, in particular to refrain from providing any military assistance to any of the parties and also to refrain from taking any action that would be inimical to the peace process;
13. Reaffirms that the embargo imposed by resolution 788 (1992) shall not apply to weapons, military equipment and military assistance destined for the sole use of the peace-keeping forces of ECOWAS in Liberia;
14. Further commends the efforts of Member States, the United Nations system and humanitarian organizations in providing humanitarian assistance to the victims of the conflict in Liberia, and in this regard reaffirms its support for increased humanitarian assistance;
15. Demands that the parties concerned refrain from any action that will impede or obstruct the delivery of humanitarian assistance and calls upon them to ensure the safety of all personnel involved in international humanitarian assistance;
16. Reiterates its call upon all parties to the conflict and all others concerned to respect strictly the provisions of international humanitarian law;
17. Requests the Secretary-General, in consultation with ECOWAS, to consider the possibility of convening a meeting of the President of the Interim Government of National Unity and the warring factions, after thorough and detailed groundwork, to restate their commitment to the implementation of the Yamoussoukro IV Accord within an agreed timetable;
18. Requests the Secretary-General to discuss with ECOWAS and the parties concerned the contribution which the United Nations could make in support of the implementation of the Yamoussoukro IV Accord, including the deployment of United Nations observers;
19. Requests the Secretary-General to submit a report on the implementation of this resolution as soon as possible;
20. Decides to remain seized of the matter. [^]