S/RES/842 (1993) 18 June 1993
RESOLUTION 842 (1993)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 32 39th meeting
on 18 June 1993
The Security Council,
Reaffirming its resolution 743 (1992) and all subsequent resolutions relating to the United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR),
Recalling in particular resolution 795 (1992) of 11 December 1992 which authorized the UNPROFOR presence in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,
Welcoming the important contribution of the existing UNPROFOR… [read more] presence in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to stability in the region,
Seeking to support efforts for a peaceful resolution to the situation in the former Yugoslavia as it relates to the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia as provided for in the Secretary-General's report of 10 December 1992 (S/24923) and approved by resolution 795 (1992) of 11 December 1992,
Noting with appreciation the offer made by a Member State (S/25954 and Add.l) to contribute additional personnel to the UNPROFOR presence in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and the latter Government's favourable response thereto,
1. Welcomes the offer made by a Member State to contribute additional personnel to the UNPROFOR presence in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and decides to expand the size of UNPROFOR accordingly and to authorize the deployment of these additional personnel;
2. Decides to remain seized of the matter.
93-36082 (E) [^]