S/RES/872 (1993)
5 October 1993
RESOLUTION 872 (1993)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 3288th meeting,
on 5 October 1993
The Security Council,
Reaffirming its resolutions 812 (1993) of 12 March 1993 and 846 (1993) of
22 June 1993,
Reaffirming also its resolution 868 (1993) of 29 September 1993 on the
security of United Nations operations,
Having considered the report of the Secretary-General of 24 September 1993
(S/26488 and Add.1),
Welcoming the signing of the Arusha Peace Agreement (… [read more]including its
Protocols) on 4 August 1993 and urging the parties to continue to comply fully
with it,
Noting the conclusion of the Secretary-General that in order to enable the
United Nations to carry out its mandate successfully and effectively, the full
cooperation of the parties with one another and with the Organization is
Stressing the urgency of the deployment of an international neutral force
in Rwanda, as underlined both by the Government of the Republic of Rwanda and by
the Rwandese Patriotic Front and as reaffirmed by their joint delegation in
New York,
Paying tribute to the role played by the Organization of African Unity
(OAU) and by the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania in the conclusion
of the Arusha Peace Agreement,
Resolved that the United Nations should, at the request of the parties and
under peaceful conditions with the full cooperation of all the parties, make its
full contribution to the implementation of the Arusha Peace Agreement,
93-54063 (E) /...
S/RES/872 (1993)
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1. Welcomes the report of the Secretary-General (S/26488);
2. Decides to establish a peace-keeping operation under the name
"United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda" (UNAMIR) for a period of six
months subject to the proviso that it will be extended beyond the initial
ninety days only upon a review by the Council based on a report from the
Secretary-General as to whether or not substantive progress has been made
towards the implementation of the Arusha Peace Agreement;
3. Decides that, drawing from the Secretary-General’s recommendations,
UNAMIR shall have the following mandate:
(a) To contribute to the security of the city of Kigali inter alia within
a weapons-secure area established by the parties in and around the city;
(b) To monitor observance of the cease-fire agreement, which calls for the
establishment of cantonment and assembly zones and the demarcation of the new
demilitarized zone and other demilitarization procedures;
(c) To monitor the security situation during the final period of the
transitional government’s mandate, leading up to the elections;
(d) To assist with mine clearance, primarily through training programmes;
(e) To investigate at the request of the parties or on its own initiative
instances of alleged non-compliance with the provisions of the Arusha Peace
Agreement relating to the integration of the armed forces, and pursue any such
instances with the parties responsible and report thereon as appropriate to the
(f) To monitor the process of repatriation of Rwandese refugees and
resettlement of displaced persons to verify that it is carried out in a safe and
orderly manner;
(g) To assist in the coordination of humanitarian assistance activities in
conjunction with relief operations;
(h) To investigate and report on incidents regarding the activities of the
gendarmerie and police;
4. Approves the Secretary-General’s proposal that the United Nations
Observer Mission Uganda-Rwanda (UNOMUR) established by resolution 846 (1993)
should be integrated within UNAMIR;
5. Welcomes the efforts and the cooperation of the OAU in helping to
implement the Arusha Peace Agreement, in particular the integration of the
Neutral Military Observer Group (NMOG II) within UNAMIR;
6. Further approves the Secretary-General’s proposal that the deployment
and withdrawal of UNAMIR should be carried out in stages and notes in this
connection that UNAMIR’s mandate, if extended, is expected to terminate
following national elections and the installation of a new government in Rwanda,
S/RES/872 (1993)
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events which are scheduled to occur by October 1995, but no later than
December 1995;
7. Authorizes the Secretary-General, in this context, to deploy the first
contingent, at the level specified by the Secretary-General’s report, to Kigali
for an initial period of six months, in the shortest possible time, which, when
fully in place, will permit the establishment of the transitional institutions
and implementation of the other relevant provisions of the Arusha Peace
8. Invites the Secretary-General, in the context of the report referred
to in paragraph 2 above, also to report on the progress of UNAMIR following its
initial deployment, and resolves to review as appropriate, on the basis of that
report and as part of the review referred to in paragraph 2 above, the
requirement for further deployments in the scale and composition recommended by
the Secretary-General in his report (S/26488);
9. Invites the Secretary-General to consider ways of reducing the total
maximum strength of UNAMIR, in particular through phased deployment without
thereby affecting the capacity of UNAMIR to carry out its mandate, and requests
the Secretary-General in planning and executing the phased deployment of UNAMIR
to seek economies and to report regularly on what is achieved in this regard;
10. Welcomes the intention of the Secretary-General to appoint a Special
Representative who would lead UNAMIR in the field and exercise authority over
all its elements;
11. Urges the parties to implement the Arusha Peace Agreement in good
12. Also requests the Secretary-General to conclude expeditiously an
agreement on the status of the operation, and all personnel engaged in the
operation in Rwanda, to come into force as near as possible to the outset of the
operation and no later than thirty days after the adoption of this resolution;
13. Demands that the parties take all appropriate steps to ensure the
security and safety of the operation and personnel engaged in the operation;
14. Urges Member States, United Nations agencies and non-governmental
organizations to provide and intensify their economic, financial and
humanitarian assistance in favour of the Rwandese population and of the
democratization process in Rwanda;
15. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.
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