S/RES/913 (1994) 22 April 1994
RESOLUTION 913 (1994)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 3367th meeting,
on 22 April 1994
The Security Council,
Recalling all its previous relevant resolutions on the conflict in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and reaffirming in this context its resolution 908 (1994) of 31 March 1994,
Recalling also the statement by the President of the Security Council on 6 April 1994 (S/PRST/1994/14) relating to the situation in the safe area of Gorazde,
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Reaffirming the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the responsibility of the Security Council in this regard,
Deeply concerned by the ongoing hostilities in and around Gorazde, as well as by the consequences for the situation in other areas of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and on the negotiation process aimed at an overall political settlement,
Condemning in the strongest possible terms the Bosnian Serb forces for their continued offensive against the safe area of Gorazde, which has resulted in the death of numerous civilians and tremendous human suffering,
Condemning also all attacks against civilian populations and humanitarian relief workers and reiterating that any persons committing violations of international humanitarian law will be held individually responsible,
Condemning further the Bosnian Serb party for their failure to negotiate in good faith and to uphold their commitments made to the representatives of the United Nations and the Russian Federation in respect of cease-fire arrangements in and around Gorazde,
94-19097 (E)Sharing the concern expressed by the Secretary-General in his reports of 10 March 1994 (S/1994/291) and 16 March 1994 (S/1994/300) and taking note of the recommendations of the Secretary-General concerning the definition and implementation of the concept of safe areas,
Determined to contribute to the immediate establishment of a lasting ceasefire in Gorazde as well as throughout the territory of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina through negotiations between the parties, and to ensure its respect,
Reaffirming the mandate conferred on the United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR) by its resolutions 824 (1993), 836 (1993), 844 (1993) and 908 (1994), and emphasizing that UNPROFOR will continue to make full use of this mandate as and when needed in execution of the Council's relevant resolutions,
Praising the untiring and courageous action of the personnel of UNPROFOR and of other United Nations agencies in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Condemning the harassment and the detention of UNPROFOR personnel by the Bosnian Serb forces and all obstacles to UNPROFOR's freedom of movement,
Paying tribute to the enlargement of diplomatic efforts towards the conclusion of an overall political settlement, welcoming in this context the ongoing international efforts by representatives of the United Nations, the European Union, the United States of America and the Russian Federation, and determined to strengthen and coordinate these international efforts in order to bring together the current diplomatic initiatives with the aim of securing the participation of all the parties concerned in an overall political settlement,
Determining that the situation in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security, reiterating its determination to ensure the security of UNPROFOR and its freedom of movement for all its missions, and, to these ends, acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,
1. Demands the immediate conclusion by the Government of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Bosnian Serb party of a cease-fire agreement, under the auspices of UNPROFOR, in Gorazde and throughout the territory of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, leading to an agreement on cessation of hostilities, and demands that all parties comply strictly with such agreements;
2. Invites the Secretary-General to take the necessary steps to ensure that UNPROFOR is able, within the limits of its available resources, to monitor the situation in Gorazde and respect of any cease-fire and disengagement of the military forces in Gorazde, including any measure to put heavy weapons of the parties under United Nations control;
3. Condemns the shelling and attacks by the Bosnian Serb forces against the safe area of Gorazde as defined in resolution 824 (1993) and demands the withdrawal of these forces and their weapons to a distance to be agreed by S/RES/913 (1994)
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UNPROFOR wherefrom they cease to constitute a threat to the status of Gorazde as a safe area;
4. Calls for an end to any provocative action by whomsoever committed in and around the safe areas;
5. Demands the immediate release of all United Nations personnel still held by the Bosnian Serb forces;
6. Demands further unimpeded freedom of movement for UNPROFOR in the fulfilment of all its tasks and the removal of all obstacles to such freedom of movement;
7. Confirms the decision in resolution 908 (1994) to take action by
30 April 1994 at the latest on the further troop requirements recommended by the Secretary-General;
8. Underlines the urgent need to intensify the efforts towards an overall political settlement agreed by all parties in the former Yugoslavia, and in particular in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
9. Calls for the intensification of the efforts to achieve a peaceful settlement with coordination and close consultation between the representatives of the United States and the Russian Federation and those of the United Nations and the European Union, with the aim of bringing together current diplomatic initiatives;
10. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter, and stands ready promptly to consider taking further measures as required. [^]