S/RES/1471 (2003)
Security Council Distr.: General
28 March 2003
03-30197 (E)
Resolution 1471 (2003)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 4730th meeting, on
28 March 2003
The Security Council,
Reaffirming its previous resolutions on Afghanistan, in particular its resolution
1401 (2002) establishing the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan
Reaffirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, territorial
integrity and national unity of Afghanistan,… [read more] as well as its endorsement of the Kabul
Declaration of 22 December 2002 on Good-Neighbourly relations (S/2002/1416)
and its call on all States to respect and support the implementation of its provisions,
Recognizing the Transitional Administration as the sole legitimate government
of Afghanistan pending democratic elections by June 2004 and reiterating its strong
support for the full implementation of the Agreement on provisional arrangements in
Afghanistan pending the re-establishment of permanent government institutions,
signed in Bonn on 5 December 2001 (S/2001/1154) (the Bonn Agreement), in
particular its annex 2 regarding the role of the United Nations during the interim
Also recognizing that the United Nations must continue to play its central and
impartial role in the international efforts to assist the Afghan people in consolidating
peace in Afghanistan and rebuilding their country,
1. Decides to extend UNAMA for an additional period of 12 months from
the date of adoption of this resolution;
2. Welcomes the report of the Secretary-General of 18 March 2003
(S/2003/333) and the recommendations contained therein and endorses the
Secretary-General’s proposal that an electoral unit be established within UNAMA,
and encourages Member States support the United Nations electoral activities in
3. Stresses that the continued provision of focused recovery and
reconstruction assistance can contribute significantly to the implementation of the
Bonn Agreement and, to this end, urges bilateral and multilateral donors to
coordinate closely with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and the
S/RES/1471 (2003)
Transitional Administration, in particular through the Afghan Consultative Group
4. Stresses also, in the context of paragraph 3 above, that while
humanitarian assistance should be provided wherever there is a need, recovery or
reconstruction assistance ought to be provided, through the Transitional
Administration, and implemented effectively, where local authorities demonstrate a
commitment to maintaining a secure environment, respecting human rights and
countering narcotics;
5. Reaffirms its strong support for the Special Representative of the
Secretary-General and the concept of a fully integrated mission and endorses the
Special Representative of the Secretary-General’s full authority, in accordance with
its relevant resolutions, over all United Nations activities in Afghanistan;
6. Requests UNAMA, with the support of the Office of the United Nations
High Commissioner for Human Rights, to continue to assist the Afghan Independent
Human Rights Commission in the full implementation of the human rights
provisions of the Bonn Agreement and the National Human Rights Programme for
Afghanistan, in order to support the protection and development of human rights in
7. Calls upon all Afghan parties to cooperate with UNAMA in the
implementation of its mandate and to ensure the security and freedom of movement
of its staff throughout the country;
8. Requests the International Security Assistance Force, in implementing its
mandate in accordance with resolution 1444 (2002) of 27 November 2002, to
continue to work in close consultation with the Secretary-General and his Special
9. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Council every four
months on the implementation of this resolution;
10. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter. [^]