S/RES/1536 (2004)
Security Council Distr.: General
26 March 2004
04-28653 (E)
Resolution 1536 (2004)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 4937th meeting, on
26 March 2004
The Security Council,
Reaffirming its previous resolutions on Afghanistan, in particular its resolution
1471 (2003) extending the mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission in
Afghanistan (UNAMA) through 27 March 2004,
Reaffirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, territorial
integrity… [read more] and national unity of Afghanistan,
Welcoming the Constitution adopted by the Loya Jirga on 4 January 2004
which reflects the determination of the Afghan people to ensure the transition of
their country towards a stable and democratic State,
Recognizing that the United Nations must continue to play its central and
impartial role in the international efforts to assist the Afghan people in consolidating
peace in Afghanistan and rebuilding their country,
Reaffirming the Transitional Administration as the sole legitimate government
of Afghanistan pending the democratic presidential and parliamentary elections
envisioned in the Bonn Agreement as in the Afghan constitution,
Reiterating its strong support for the full implementation of the Bonn
Agreement (S/2001/1154) and supporting also the objectives of the international
conference scheduled to take place in Berlin from 31 March to 1 April 2004 to allow
the Afghan authorities and the international community to reaffirm their long-term
commitment to take the transitional process in Afghanistan forward, including by
demonstrating support for the Afghan political process and its national security, as
well as by confirming and generating international financial and other donations,
Recalling the importance of the coming elections to establish democratic
Afghan authorities as a further step towards implementation of the Bonn Agreement
and welcoming in that regard the creation of a Joint Electoral Management Body and
the initial progress made in voter registration,
Recalling and emphasizing the importance of the Kabul Declaration of 22
December 2002 on Good-Neighbourly relations (S/2002/1416), and encouraging all
States concerned to continue to follow up on the Kabul Declaration and the
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Declaration on Trade, Transit and Inward Investment signed in Dubai in September
Stressing also the importance of extending central government authority to all
parts of Afghanistan, of comprehensive nationwide disarmament, demobilization
and reintegration of all armed factions, and of security sector reform including
reconstitution of the new Afghan National Army and Afghan National Police,
Welcoming the visit of the Security Council Mission to Afghanistan in
October-November 2003 and takes note of its report and recommendations,
1. Decides to extend UNAMA for an additional period of 12 months from
the date of adoption of this resolution;
2. Welcomes the report of the Secretary-General of 23 March 2004
(S/2004/230) and the recommendations contained therein;
3. Stresses the importance of the provision of sufficient security and of
significant donor support for the holding of credible national elections in accordance
with the Afghan constitution and the Bonn Agreement and to this end urges member
states and international organizations to coordinate closely with UNAMA and the
Transitional Administration;
4. Encourages Afghan authorities to enable an electoral process that
provides for voter participation that is representative of the national demographics
including women and refugees and calls upon all eligible Afghans to fully
participate in the registration and electoral processes;
5. Encourages UNAMA and the Afghan authorities, in this regard, to
accelerate voter registration efforts in preparation for elections and urges close
coordination between Afghan and UN authorities;
6. Welcomes the progress made since the commencement of the
Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) process in October 2003
and the contribution of the International Observer Group in this regard; stresses that
efforts on the part of the Afghan Authorities and all Afghan parties, supported by
the international community, to achieve further progress on DDR are critical,
particularly for the creation of an environment more conducive to the conduct of
free and fair elections; and in this regard, calls upon all Afghan parties to abide by
commitments made in the Bonn Agreement including its Annex 1;
7. Welcomes the efforts to date of the Afghan authorities to implement their
National Drug Control Strategy adopted in May 2003 and urges the Afghan
authorities to make further efforts in that regard and Member States to support its
implementation with the necessary resources;
8. Stresses that tackling the drugs trade cannot be separated from creating a
strong economy and a secure environment in Afghanistan and cannot be achieved
without increased cooperation among neighbouring states and countries along
trafficking routes to strengthen anti-narcotic controls to curb the drug flow, and
notes with concern in this regard the assessment made by UNODC in its last Afghan
opium survey;
9. Welcomes the appointment of Jean Arnault as new Special Representative
of the Secretary-General (SRSG) for Afghanistan; reaffirms its continued strong
support for the SRSG and the concept of a fully integrated mission and endorses his
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full authority, in accordance with all relevant resolutions, over all United Nations
activities in Afghanistan;
10. Requests UNAMA, with the support of the Office of the United Nations
High Commissioner for Human Rights, to continue to assist the Afghan Independent
Human Rights Commission in the full implementation of the human rights
provisions of the new Afghan constitution, in particular those regarding the full
enjoyment by women of their human rights; requests also that UNAMA support the
establishment of a fair and transparent judicial system, and work towards the
strengthening of the rule of law;
11. Calls upon all Afghan parties to cooperate with UNAMA in the
implementation of its mandate and to ensure the security and freedom of movement
of its staff throughout the country;
12. Welcomes the progress made by the International Security Assistance
Force (ISAF), in expanding its presence outside of Kabul and in implementing its
mandate in accordance with resolutions 1444 (2002) and 1510 (2003), requests that
ISAF continue working in close consultation with the Secretary-General and his
Special Representative; calls upon troop contributors to provide the necessary
resources to ensure the full implementation of the mandate of ISAF;
13. Welcomes the development of the new Afghan National Army and
Afghan National Police as important steps towards the goal of Afghan security
forces providing security and ensuring the rule of law throughout the country, and
also welcomes the readiness of ISAF to provide security assistance for the
organization of the forthcoming elections in support of the Afghan authorities and
UNAMA in accordance with resolution 1510;
14. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Council in a timely
manner on developments in Afghanistan, including, after elections, on the future
role of UNAMA;
15. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter. [^]