S/RES/1601 (2005)
Security Council Distr.: General
31 May 2005
05-36782 (E)
Resolution 1601 (2005)
Adoption by the Security Council at its 5192nd meeting, on
31 May 2005
The Security Council,
Reaffirming resolutions 1576 (2004) of 29 November 2004 and 1542 (2004) of
30 April 2004, and recalling resolution 1529 (2004) of 29 February 2004, relevant
statements by its President, as well as the Security Council’s report on its Mission to
Haiti from 13 to 16 April (S/2005/302),
Determining that the situation in Haiti continues to constitute a threat to
international peace and security in the region,
Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, as described in
section 1 of operative paragraph 7 of resolution 1542 (2004),
1. Decides to extend the mandate of MINUSTAH, as contained in resolution
1542 (2004), until 24 June 2005, with the intention to renew for further periods;
2. Welcomes the Secretary-General’s report S/2005/313;
3. Decides to remain seized of the matter.