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Resolution 2476

The question concerning Haiti


S/RES/2476 (2019)
Security Council Distr.: General 25 June 2019
Resolution 2476 (2019)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 8559th meeting, on 25 June 2019
The Security Council, Recalling its previous resolutions on Haiti, in particular its resolutions 2466 (2019), 2410 (2018), 2350 (2017), 2313 (2016), 2243 (2015), 2180 (2014), 2119 (2013), 2070 (2012), 2012 (2011), 1944 (2010), 1927 (2010), 1908 (2010), 1892 (2009), 1840 (2008), 1780 (2007), 1743 (2007), 1702 (2006), 1658 (2006), 1608 (2005), 1601 (2005), 1576 (2004), 1529 (2004), and 1542 (2004), Reaffirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity, and unity of Haiti, Recalling its resolution 2466 (2019), which authorized the final extension of the mandate of the United Nations Mission for Justice Support in Haiti (MINUJUSTH) until 15 October 2019, Noting that resolution 2466 (2019) welcomed the report of the SecretaryGeneral of 1 March 2019 (document S/2019/198), and its recommendation that a Special Political Mission (SPM) succeed MINUJUSTH beginning on 16 October 2019, Acknowledging the letter of the Secretary-General of 13 May 2019 (document S/2019/387) outlining the specific objectives and proposed structure of the SPM, Emphasizing the importance of continued, coherent, and sustainable support of the United Nations and the international community to strengthen the Government of Haiti’s capacity to ensure long-term security, stability, respect for human rights and sustainable development in Haiti in line with the country’s priorities, Recognizing the adverse effects of natural disasters on the stability of Haiti, including earthquakes, hurricanes, and other weather phenomena and their impact on land degradation and food insecurity, and emphasizing the need for adequate disaster risk assessment and response capabilities by the Government of Haiti relating to these factors, Stressing the need for and the primary responsibility of the Government of Haiti to address the longstanding drivers of instability and inequality in Haiti, and to engage with other stakeholders, including civil society, women, youth, and the private sector to deliver durable solutions to Haiti’s immediate and long-term issues, including
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through inclusive economic growth and sustainable development, social cohesion, and disaster resilience, in line with the country’s priorities, Emphasizing the importance of the continued work by the Government of Haiti, NGOs and the UN with the support of the international community to eradicate cholera in Haiti, 1. Requests the Secretary-General to establish the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) beginning on 16 October 2019 and for an initial period of 12 months, headed by a Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to be appointed as swiftly as possible who will also play a good offices, advisory, and advocacy role at the political level with the following key tasks: (a) To advise the Government of Haiti in promoting and strengthening political stability and good governance, including the rule of law, preserving and advancing a peaceful and stable environment, including through supporting an inclusive inter-Haitian national dialogue, and protecting and promoting human rights; and (b) To assist the Government of Haiti with its efforts to: (i) Plan and execute free, fair, and transparent elections; (ii) Reinforce the capacity of the Haitian National Police (HNP), including through training on human rights and crowd control, to respond to gang violence and sexual and gender-based violence, and to maintain public order; (iii) Develop an inclusive approach with all sectors of society to reduce community violence, and in particular gang violence; (iv) Address human rights abuses and violations and comply with international human rights obligations; (v) Improve Penitentiary Administration management and oversight of prison facilities to ensure proper treatment of detainees in accordance with international standards; and (vi) Strengthen the justice sector including by adopting and implementing key legislation to promote justice sector reform, improving internal oversight and accountability, particularly as related to corruption, addressing prolonged pretrial detention, and ensuring merit-based judicial appointments and the timely renewal of judicial mandates; 2. Further requests that BINUH be comprised of the following advisory units: a political and good governance unit with advisory capacity on good governance, justice, elections, constitutional reform, and public sector accountability; a unit on gang violence, community violence reduction (CVR) and weapons and munitions management; a police and corrections unit including up to 30 civilian and seconded personnel to serve as police and corrections advisors and led by a UN Police Commissioner; a human rights unit; a security unit; a mission support unit; and public information, gender advisory, coordination and legal capacity, including a victims’ rights advocate, within the office of the SRSG; 3. Further requests that BINUH mainstream gender considerations as a cross-cutting issue throughout its mandate and assist the Government of Haiti in ensuring the full, meaningful, and effective participation and involvement and representation of women at all levels, and further reaffirms the importance of gender expertise and capacity strengthening in executing the mission mandate in a genderresponsive manner;
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4. Further requests the Secretary-General, in the final 90-day report on MINUJUSTH due in October 2019, in partnership with the Government of Haiti, MINUJUSTH, and the United Nations County Team in Haiti, to provide strategic benchmarks with indicators for achieving the tasks outlined in OP1; 5. Underscores the need for the activities of BINUH and the United Nations Country Team in Haiti, which will assume MINUJUSTH’s programmatic and technical assistance role after 15 October 2019, to be fully integrated, and stresses the need for a seamless, successful, and responsible transition to BINUH to ensure continuity; 6. Underlines the need for BINUH to maintain close and sustained collaboration, coordination, and information sharing between all United Nations political, development, humanitarian, and financial entities, as well as other local and international partners operating in Haiti as appropriate, in order to prevent duplication of effort and to maximize the leveraging of existing resources; 7. Further requests the Secretary-General, seeking perspectives from all relevant parties, to include in his regular reports an update on the development and implementation of an integrated strategic framework, as well as a resource mobilisation strategy that involves the full range of partners, 8. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Council on the implementation of this resolution, including any instances of mandate implementation failures and measures taken to address these, in reports every 120 days starting from 16 October 2019; 9. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

The question concerning Haiti
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