S/RES/1620 (2005)
Security Council Distr.: General
31 August 2005
05-47715 (E) 310805
Resolution 1620 (2005)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 5254th meeting, on
31 August 2005
The Security Council,
Recalling its previous resolutions and the statements of its President
concerning the situation in Sierra Leone,
Commending the valuable contribution the United Nations Mission in Sierra
Leone (UNAMSIL) has made to the recovery of Sierra Leone from conflict and to
the country’s peace,… [read more] security and development,
Having considered the report of the Secretary-General of 26 April 2005
(S/2005/273), and its addendum of 28 July 2005 (S/2005/273/Add.2), and
welcoming his recommendation that a United Nations integrated office be
established in Sierra Leone, after the withdrawal of UNAMSIL at the end of 2005,
in order to continue to assist the Government of Sierra Leone to consolidate peace
by enhancing political and economic governance, building the national capacity for
conflict prevention, and preparing for elections in 2007,
Noting the letter of 21 June 2005 from the President of Sierra Leone to the
Secretary-General (S/2005/419), that likewise emphasizes the need for an integrated
United Nations office to support the above objectives,
Emphasizing the importance of a smooth transition between UNAMSIL and
the new United Nations integrated office, and of the effective and efficient operation
of the office,
Emphasizing the importance of the continued support of the United Nations
and the international community for the long-term security and development of
Sierra Leone, particularly in building the capacity of the Government of Sierra
Reiterating its appreciation for the essential work of the Special Court for
Sierra Leone and its vital contribution to the establishment of rule of law in Sierra
Leone and the subregion, underlining its expectation that the Court will finish its
work in accordance with its Completion Strategy, and in this regard encouraging all
States to cooperate fully with the Court and to provide it with the necessary
financial resources,
S/RES/1620 (2005)
Welcoming the publication of the report of the Sierra Leone Truth and
Reconciliation Commission and encouraging the Government of Sierra Leone to
take further steps to implement its recommendations,
1. Requests the Secretary-General to establish the United Nations Integrated
Office in Sierra Leone (UNIOSIL), as recommended in the addendum to his report
(S/2005/273/Add.2), for an initial period of 12 months beginning on 1 January 2006,
with the following key tasks:
(a) to assist the Government of Sierra Leone in:
(i) building the capacity of State institutions to address further the root
causes of the conflict, provide basic services and accelerate progress towards
the Millennium Development Goals through poverty reduction and sustainable
economic growth, including through the creation of an enabling framework for
private investment and systematic efforts to address HIV/AIDS;
(ii) developing a national action plan for human rights and establishing the
national human rights commission;
(iii) building the capacity of the National Electoral Commission to conduct a
free, fair and credible electoral process in 2007;
(iv) enhancing good governance, transparency and accountability of public
institutions, including through anti-corruption measures and improved fiscal
(v) strengthening the rule of law, including by developing the independence
and capacity of the justice system and the capacity of the police and
corrections system;
(vi) strengthening the Sierra Leonean security sector, in cooperation with the
International Military Advisory and Training Team and other partners;
(vii) promoting a culture of peace, dialogue, and participation in critical
national issues through a strategic approach to public information and
communication, including through building an independent and capable public
radio capacity;
(viii) developing initiatives for the protection and well-being of youth, women
and children;
(b) to liaise with the Sierra Leonean security sector and other partners, to
report on the security situation and make recommendations concerning external and
internal security threats;
(c) to coordinate with United Nations missions and offices and regional
organizations in West Africa in dealing with cross-border challenges such as the
illicit movement of small arms, human trafficking and smuggling and illegal trade in
natural resources;
(d) to coordinate with the Special Court for Sierra Leone;
2. Emphasizes the primary responsibility of the Government of Sierra
Leone for the consolidation of peace and security in the country, and urges
continued support from international donors for the Government’s efforts in this
S/RES/1620 (2005)
3. Underlines the importance of establishing a fully integrated office with
effective coordination of strategy and programmes between the United Nations
agencies, funds and programmes in Sierra Leone, between the United Nations and
other international donors, and between the integrated office, the Economic
Community of West African States and other United Nations missions in the region;
4. Welcomes the Secretary-General’s recommendation in the addendum to
his report (S/2005/273/Add.2) that the integrated office should be headed by an
Executive Representative of the Secretary-General and his intention that he/she
should also serve as the Resident Representative of the United Nations Development
Programme and United Nations Resident Coordinator;
5. Requests the Secretary-General to continue planning for security for the
Special Court for Sierra Leone on the basis outlined in paragraphs 15 to 24 of the
addendum to his report (S/2005/273/Add.2), and looks forward to further details on
the proposed arrangements;
6. Requests the Secretary-General to keep the Council regularly informed of
progress with establishing the United Nations integrated office in Sierra Leone, and
thereafter with the implementation of this resolution;
7. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter. [^]