S/RES/1734 (2006)
Security Council Distr.: General
22 December 2006
06-68002 (E)
Resolution 1734 (2006)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 5608th meeting, on
22 December 2006
The Security Council,
Recalling its previous resolutions and the statements of its President
concerning the situation in Sierra Leone, in particular resolutions 1688 (2006) and
1620 (2005),
Commending the valuable contribution that the United Nations Integrated
Office in Sierra Leone (UNIOSIL) has made to… [read more] the recovery of Sierra Leone from
conflict and to the country’s peace, security and development,
Considering the report of the Secretary-General of 28 November (S/2006/922)
and welcoming his recommendation that the mandate of UNIOSIL is extended for a
further 12 months until 31 December 2007 with a view to providing continued
peacebuilding assistance to the Government of Sierra Leone and preparing for the
general elections in July 2007,
Noting the letter of 27 November from the President of Sierra Leone to the
Secretary-General that likewise emphasizes the need for the mandate of UNIOSIL to
be extended for a further 12 months,
Stressing that the July 2007 elections and the wide acceptance of their outcome
will be a major milestone indicating the sustainability of peace and security in
Sierra Leone, which should also help to define UNIOSIL’s exit strategy,
Emphasizing the importance of the continued support of the United Nations
system and the international community for the long-term peace, security and
development of Sierra Leone, particularly through strengthening the capacity of the
Government of Sierra Leone,
Taking note of the Peacebuilding Commission country specific meetings of
12 October and 13 December 2006, which discussed four priority areas for
peacebuilding efforts in Sierra Leone as well as gaps in those areas, recommended
next steps for peacebuilding, and noted the determination of the Government of
Sierra Leone to coordinate and prioritize work in country, working with UNIOSIL,
donors, international institutions, civil society and the private sector to take forward
these priorities in order to help bring about a sustainable peace,
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Welcoming the progress made in reforming the security sector in Sierra Leone
and, in particular, the developing professionalism of the Sierra Leone armed forces
and police, and urging further strengthening and rationalizing of the security
architecture so that the police and armed forces are sustainable in the long term and
able to carry out their tasks effectively, in particular in connection with the elections
in July 2007,
Welcoming the launch in July 2006 of the Improved Governance and
Accountability Pact (IGAP) agreed between main donors and the Government of
Sierra Leone, which sets out ten critical governance commitments, including on
anti-corruption, public procurement, civil service reform and democracy, and a
further ten donor principles of engagement to improve aid effectiveness,
Reiterating its appreciation for the work of the Special Court for Sierra Leone
and its vital contribution to reconciliation and the rule of law in Sierra Leone and
the subregion, stressing the importance of the forthcoming trial of former Liberian
President Charles Taylor by the Court and the progress being made in other trials,
reiterating its expectation that the Court will finish its work expeditiously, noting in
this regard the Secretary-General’s letter of 27 November, and calling upon Member
States to contribute generously to the Court,
Encouraging the Member States of the Mano River Union and other regional
organizations to continue their dialogue aimed at building regional peace and
1. Decides to extend the mandate of UNIOSIL, as outlined in resolution
1620 (2005), until 31 December 2007;
2. Endorses the increase in the number of personnel of UNIOSIL
recommended in paragraph 70 of the report of the Secretary-General of
28 November for a period from 1 January 2007 to 31 October 2007 in order to
enhance the support provided by UNIOSIL for the elections and its ability to carry
out its functions elsewhere in Sierra Leone;
3. Calls upon the Secretary-General to conduct a comprehensive assessment
of UNIOSIL’s role, closer to the election date, with a view to developing its exit
4. Calls upon all parties in Sierra Leone to demonstrate their full
commitment to the democratic process and to ensure that the 2007 presidential and
parliamentary elections are peaceful, transparent, free and fair;
5. Calls upon the Government of Sierra Leone to provide the necessary
support for the electoral institutions and urges Member States to provide technical
and material support including to address the shortfall in the electoral budget;
6. Emphasizes that the Government of Sierra Leone bears the primary
responsibility for peacebuilding, security and long-term development in the country,
encourages the Government of Sierra Leone to continue its close engagement with
the Peacebuilding Commission and international donors to continue to provide
support to the Government;
7. Calls upon the Government of Sierra Leone, UNIOSIL and all other
stakeholders in the country to increase their efforts to promote good governance,
including through continued measures to combat corruption, improve accountability,
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promote the development of the private sector to generate wealth and employment
opportunities, strengthen the judiciary and promote human rights;
8. Calls upon the Government of Sierra Leone to expedite the
implementation of the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation
Commission, and calls upon Member States to assist the Government in funding the
activities of the National Human Rights Commission;
9. Emphasizes the important role of women in the prevention and resolution
of conflicts and in peacebuilding, as recognized in resolution 1325 (2000),
underlines that a gender perspective should be taken into account in implementing
all aspects of the mandate of UNIOSIL, welcomes in this regard the action plan
developed by UNIOSIL, encourages UNIOSIL to work with the Government of
Sierra Leone in this area, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure there is
adequate capacity, expertise and resources within UNIOSIL to carry out this work;
10. Requests the Secretary-General, where appropriate, to include in his
reporting to the Council progress on gender mainstreaming throughout UNIOSIL
and all other aspects relating to the situation of women and girls, especially in
relation to the need to protect them from gender-based violence;
11. Welcomes the efforts undertaken by UNIOSIL to implement the
Secretary-General’s zero-tolerance policy on sexual exploitation and abuse to ensure
full compliance of its personnel with the United Nations code of conduct;
12. Requests the Secretary-General to keep the Council regularly informed of
progress made in the implementation of the mandate of UNIOSIL and this
13. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter. [^]