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Resolution 1834

The situation in Chad, the Central African Republic and the subregion


S/RES/1834 (2008)
Security Council Distr.: General
24 September 2008
08-51903 (E)
Resolution 1834 (2008)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 5981st meeting, on
24 September 2008
The Security Council,
Recalling its resolutions and the statements of its president concerning Chad,
the Central African Republic and the subregion, including resolution 1778 (2007)
and its resolutions 1769 (2007) and 1828 (2008),
Reaffirming its commitment to the sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity and
political independence of Chad and the Central African Republic, and to the cause
of peace in the region,
Reiterating its concern at the humanitarian and security repercussions in
eastern Chad and the north-eastern Central African Republic of the ongoing violence
in Darfur,
Deeply concerned at the activities of armed groups and other attacks in eastern
Chad, the north-eastern Central African Republic and western Sudan which threaten
the security of the civilian population, the conduct of humanitarian operations in
those areas and the stability of those countries, and which result in serious
violations of human rights and international humanitarian law,
Stressing that a proper settlement of the Darfur issue and an improvement of
relations between Sudan, Chad and the Central African Republic will contribute to
long-term peace and stability in the region,
Reiterating its full support for the efforts of the Secretary-General and of the
African Union, through their joint Chief Mediator Mr. Djibril Yipéné Bassolé, to
revive the peace process begun by the Darfur Peace Agreement, consolidate the
ceasefire and reinforce the peacekeeping presence in Darfur,
Reaffirming that any attempt at destabilization through violent means or
seizing power by force is unacceptable,
Reaffirming its resolutions 1325 (2000) and 1820 (2008) on women, peace and
security, 1502 (2003) on the protection of humanitarian and United Nations
personnel, and 1674 (2006) on the protection of civilians in armed conflict,
Reaffirming its resolution 1612 (2005) on children in armed conflict, taking
note of the report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict in Chad
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(S/2008/532) and the recommendations therein, and recalling the conclusions
regarding Chad adopted by its Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict
Recognizing that the Governments of Chad and the Central African Republic
bear primary responsibility for ensuring the security of civilians in their territories,
Bearing in mind the Convention relating to the Status of refugees of 28 July
1951 and its additional protocol of 16 December 1966, along with the 1969
Convention of the Organization of African Unity governing the specific aspects of
refugee problems in Africa,
Emphasizing the need to respect international refugee law, preserve the
civilian and humanitarian nature of the refugee camps and internally displaced
persons sites and prevent any recruitment of individuals, including children, which
might be carried out in or around the camps by armed groups,
Welcoming the deployment by the European Union of its operation in eastern
Chad and Central African Republic (EUFOR Chad/CAR), noting that the European
Union declared the initial operational capacity of the operation on 15 March 2008,
and recalling that according to resolution 1778 the mandate of EUFOR Chad/CAR
therefore runs until 15 March 2009,
Welcoming the selection and training by MINURCAT of the first group of
police and gendarmerie officers of the Détachement Intégré de Sécurité (DIS,
previously referred to as Police Tchadienne pour la Protection Humanitaire), and
stressing the need to expedite the deployment of the DIS,
Having examined the report of the Secretary-General (S/2008/601) of
12 September 2008 and its recommendations on the arrangements for following up
EUFOR Chad/CAR at the end of its mandate,
Determining that the situation in the region of the border between the Sudan,
Chad and the Central African Republic constitutes a threat to international peace and
1. Decides to extend until 15 March 2009 the mandate of the
United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad (MINURCAT), as
set out in resolution 1778;
2. Calls on the Secretary-General to complete MINURCAT’s deployment as
soon as possible, and the Government of Chad, with the support of MINURCAT
according to its mandate, to carry out the full deployment of the DIS expeditiously;
3. Invites donors to continue to contribute to the MINURCAT trust fund,
established to support the DIS;
4. Expresses its intention to extend beyond the date referred to in paragraph 1
the multidimensional presence established in Chad and the Central African Republic
to help create the security conditions conducive to a voluntary, secure and
sustainable return of refugees and displaced persons and, to this end, expresses its
intention to authorize the deployment of a United Nations military component to
follow up EUFOR Chad/CAR in both Chad and the Central African Republic, taking
fully into account the recommendations contained within the Secretary-General’s
report referred to in paragraph 8 and in consultation with the Governments of these
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5. Requests the Secretary-General, in close cooperation with the European
Union, to continue planning and initiate the force generation and logistical,
administrative, financial and other necessary arrangements with a view to a transfer
of authority, including in the north-eastern Central African Republic, between
EUFOR and the United Nations military component referred to in paragraph 4 on
15 March 2009, subject to a new decision of the Security Council;
6. Encourages the Governments of Chad and the Central African Republic
to continue to cooperate with the United Nations and the European Union to
facilitate the smooth transition from EUFOR to the United Nations military
7. Encourages troop-contributing countries to pledge the necessary force
requirements and in particular the helicopters, reconnaissance units, engineers,
logistics and medical facilities;
8. Requests the Secretary-General to submit a new report by 15 November
2008 on the progress towards the full deployment of MINURCAT and the DIS and
on updating the planning and conducting preparations referred to in paragraph 4 and
5, including options on the size, structure and mandate of the proposed United
Nations military presence in the north-eastern Central African Republic to take over
EUFOR’s presence;
9. Requests him to also continue to report regularly, and at least every three
months, on the security and humanitarian situation, including movements of
refugees and internally displaced persons, in eastern Chad, the north-eastern Central
African Republic and the region, on progress towards the objective of helping to
create the security conditions conducive to a voluntary, secure and sustainable
return of refugees and displaced persons and on the implementation of the mandate
10. Expresses its intention to adopt the decision referred to in paragraphs 4
and 5 by 15 December 2008;
11. Encourages the respective Governments of the Sudan, Chad and the
Central African Republic to ensure that their territories are not used to undermine
the sovereignty of others, to cooperate actively with a view to implementing the
Dakar Accord of 13 March 2008 and previous agreements, and to cooperate with a
view to putting an end to the activities of armed groups in the region and their
attempts to seize power by force, looks forward to the implementation of the
commitment of Sudan and Chad to restore diplomatic ties with a view to fully
normalizing their relations, and welcomes the role played in particular by the
regional Contact Group, the Governments of Libya and the Republic of Congo as
African co-mediators, as well as the African Union and the United Nations,
including through the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, head of
MINURCAT, in support of the Dakar process;
12. Demands that armed groups cease violence immediately and urges all
parties in Chad and the Central African Republic, respectively, to respect and
implement the Sirte agreement of 25 October 2007 and the comprehensive peace
agreement signed in Libreville on 21 June 2008;
13. Encourages the authorities and political stakeholders in Chad and the
Central African Republic to continue to pursue their efforts of national dialogue,
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with respect for the constitutional frameworks, notes the positive efforts by the
Government of Gabon to support a national dialogue in the Central African
Republic, emphasizes also the importance of the political agreement for the
reinforcement of the democratic process signed in Ndjamena on 13 August 2007 and
encourages the parties to proceed with its implementation;
14. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Central African Republic, Chad
The situation in Chad, the Central African Republic and the subregion
Related with resolutions
1325 1502 1612 1674 1769 1778 1820 1828
Quoted in resolutions
1861 1913 1922 1923
Security Council Composition