S/RES/1935 (2010)
Security Council Distr.: General
30 July 2010
10-46869 (E)
Resolution 1935 (2010)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 6366th meeting, on
30 July 2010
The Security Council,
Reaffirming all its previous resolutions and presidential statements concerning
the situation in Sudan,
Reaffirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty, unity, independence and
territorial integrity of Sudan and its determination to work with the Government of
Sudan, in full respect of its… [read more] sovereignty, to assist in tackling the various challenges
in Sudan,
Recalling also its previous resolutions 1674 (2006) and 1894 (2009) on the
protection of civilians in armed conflict, which reaffirm, inter alia, the relevant
provisions of the United Nations World Summit outcome document, 1612 (2005)
and 1882 (2009) on children in armed conflict, 1502 (2003) on the protection of
humanitarian and United Nations personnel, and 1325 (2000) and associated
resolutions on women, peace and security,
Bearing in mind the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees of 28 July
1951 and its additional protocol of 16 December 1966, along with the 1969
Convention of the Organization of African Unity governing the specific aspects of
refugee problems in Africa, as well as the African Union Convention of 29 October
2009, on the Protection and Assistance of internally displaced persons in Africa,
Recalling the report on Children in Armed Conflict in Sudan dated
10 February 2009 (S/2009/84), including its recommendations, and recalling the
conclusions endorsed by the Security Council Working Group on Children in Armed
Conflict in Sudan (S/AC.51/2009/5),
Expressing its strong commitment and determination to promote and support
the Darfur political process, and the efforts of the Joint Chief Mediator (JCM),
welcoming his commitment to progress and the negotiations between the
Government of Sudan (GoS) and the Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM) on an
agreement under the auspices of the JCM, and deploring the fact that some groups
continue to refuse to join the political process,
Underlining, without prejudice to the Security Council’s primary responsibility
for the maintenance of international peace and security, the importance of the
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partnership between the United Nations and the African Union (AU), consistent with
Chapter VIII of the United Nations Charter, with regard to the maintenance of peace
and security in Africa, particularly in Sudan,
Welcoming the important role of AU in Sudan, in particular the efforts of the
AU High Level Implementation Panel for Sudan, working in cooperation with the
Joint Chief Mediator and the AU/UN Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) to
promote peace, reconciliation and accountability in Darfur, including through the
early convening of a Darfur-Darfur conference, with a view to encouraging early
progress in the AU-UN led peace process,
Welcoming the report of the Secretary-General of 14 July (S/2010/382) on
Stressing the need for the Council to pursue a rigorous, strategic approach to
peacekeeping deployments, with a view to enhancing the effectiveness of
peacekeeping missions; underlining, in this regard, the importance of addressing the
requirement for UNAMID to be able to deter threats to the implementation of its
mandate, and the safety and security of its peacekeeping personnel in accordance
with the Charter of the United Nations,
Expressing deep concern at the deterioration in the security situation in Darfur,
including ceasefire violations, attacks by rebel groups, aerial bombardment by the
Government of Sudan, increased inter-tribal fighting, and attacks on humanitarian
personnel and peacekeepers, which have restricted humanitarian access to conflict
areas where vulnerable civilian populations reside, as contained in the report of the
Secretary-General, and calling on all parties to cease hostilities and urgently
facilitate humanitarian access,
Reiterating its condemnation of all violations of human rights and
international humanitarian law in Darfur, calling on all parties to comply with their
obligations under international humanitarian and human rights law, emphasizing the
need to bring to justice the perpetrators of such crimes and urging the Government
of Sudan to comply with its obligations in this respect,
Reaffirming its concern over the negative affect of the ongoing violence in
Darfur on the stability of Sudan as a whole as well as the region, welcoming
improved relations between Sudan and Chad following the signature on 15 January
2010 by the Government of Sudan and the Government of Chad of an agreement to
normalize their bilateral relations as well as the deployment of a joint force under a
joint command along the border, and encouraging Sudan and Chad to continue to
implement this agreement and to cooperate in order to achieve peace and stability in
Darfur and the wider region,
Determining that the situation in Sudan constitutes a threat to international
peace and security,
1. Decides to extend the mandate of UNAMID as set out in resolution 1769
(2007) for a further 12 months to 31 July 2011;
2. Underlines the need for UNAMID to make full use of its mandate and
capabilities, giving priority in decisions about the use of available capacity and
resources to (a) the protection of civilians across Darfur, and (b) ensuring safe,
timely and unhindered humanitarian access, the safety and security of humanitarian
personnel and humanitarian activities;
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3. Reaffirms the importance of promoting the AU-UN led political process
for Darfur, and in this regard, underlines the need for the systematic and sustained
engagement of all Darfurian stakeholders, including newly elected officials, civil
society, including women and women-led organizations, community groups and
tribal leaders, in order to create a conducive environment for peace and security
through constructive and open dialogue, welcomes the priority given to UNAMID’s
continuing efforts to promote such engagement in support of and to complement the
work of the Joint Chief Mediator Mr. Djibrill Yipene Bassole and the AU-UN led
political process for Darfur; and welcomes the work of the AU High Level
Implementation Panel for Sudan in this regard;
4. Requests UNAMID in consultation with the UN Country Team to
develop a comprehensive strategy for the achievement of the objectives set out in
paragraph 2 above and requests UNAMID to maximize the use of its capabilities in
Darfur, in the implementation of that strategy;
5. Commends the contribution of troop and police contributing countries
and donors to UNAMID notes that UNAMID is nearing full deployment; underlines
the need for capable units able to carry out UNAMID’s mandated tasks; in this
regard, requests the continuing assistance of donors to troop and police contributing
countries in ensuring units are suitably trained and equipped to conduct and sustain
themselves on operations and calls on Member States to pledge and contribute the
remaining military utility helicopters, aerial reconnaissance, and other force
enablers required;
6. Strongly condemns all attacks on UNAMID; underlines that any attack or
threat on UNAMID is unacceptable; demands that there be no recurrence of such
attacks, stresses the need to enhance the safety and security of UNAMID personnel,
as well as the need to bring an end to impunity for those who attack peacekeepers,
and in this regard urges the Government of Sudan to do its utmost to bring the
perpetrators of any such crimes to justice;
7. Commends the credible work of the Tripartite Mechanism but expresses
deep concern at continuing restrictions placed upon UNAMID movement and
operations; calls on all parties in Darfur to remove all obstacles to UNAMID’s full
and proper discharge of its mandate, including by ensuring its security and freedom
of movement; and in this regard, urges the Government of Sudan to comply with the
Status of Forces Agreement fully and without delay, particularly regarding flight and
equipment clearances, and the removal of all obstacles to the use of UNAMID aerial
assets in order to, inter alia, respond to armed threats and emergency medical
evacuations as appropriate;
8. Stresses the importance of achievable and realistic targets against which
the progress of United Nations peacekeeping operations can be measured; requests
the Secretary-General to continue reporting to the Council every 90 days on
progress made towards implementing UNAMID’s mandate across Darfur, including
on progress towards and obstacles to the implementation of the strategy referred to
in paragraph 4 above, also including an assessment of progress against the
benchmarks set out in Annex II of the report of the Secretary-General of
16 November 2009 as well as on progress on the political process, the security and
humanitarian situation, including in the IDP sites and refugee camps, and early
recovery and all parties compliance with their international obligations;
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9. Demands that all parties to the conflict in Darfur immediately end
violence, attacks on civilians, peacekeepers and humanitarian personnel, and
comply with their obligations under human rights and international humanitarian
law; affirms, in this context, the Council’s strong opposition to serious violations of
international humanitarian law and human rights law; calls for an immediate
cessation of hostilities and for all parties to commit themselves to a sustained and
permanent ceasefire; requests the Secretary-General to consult with relevant parties
with a view to developing a more effective ceasefire monitoring mechanism; and
underlines the need for UNAMID to report on major instances of violence which
undermines the parties’ full and constructive efforts towards peace;
10. Expresses its serious concern at the deterioration of the humanitarian
situation, the continued threats to humanitarian organizations, and the restricted
humanitarian access in Darfur, calls for the full implementation of the Communiqué
between the Government of Sudan and the United Nations on Facilitation of
Humanitarian Activities in Darfur; and demands that the Government of Sudan, all
militias armed groups and all other stakeholders ensure the full, safe and unhindered
access of humanitarian organizations and relief personnel and the delivery of
humanitarian assistance to populations in need;
11. Reiterates that there can be no military solution to the conflict in Darfur
and that an inclusive political settlement and the successful deployment of
UNAMID are essential to re-establishing peace; reaffirms its full support for the
work of Joint Chief Mediator Mr. Djibrill Yipènè Bassolé and the AU/UN led
political process for Darfur;
12. Demands that all parties to the conflict, including all rebel groups,
immediately engage fully and constructively in the peace process without
preconditions, including by entering into talks under the mediation of Mr. Bassolé
with a view to completing an inclusive and comprehensive agreement, underlines
the importance of completing such an agreement in order to bring a stable and
durable peace to the region welcomes the work of Qatar in this regard and the
support of other countries in the region; calls on UNAMID to continue to support
the Joint Chief Mediator and the Joint Mediation Team;
13. Notes that conflict in one area of Sudan affects other areas of Sudan and
the wider region; and urges UNAMID to coordinate closely with other United
Nations’ missions in the region, including the United Nations Mission in Sudan
(UNMIS) and the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad
14. Requests UNAMID, consistent with its current capabilities and mandate,
to assist and complement UNMIS’ efforts, as appropriate, in preparing for the
referenda in Southern Sudan and Abyei, including coordinating closely with UNMIS
in sharing analysis of risks in the border areas, particularly regarding threats to
15. Stresses the importance of achieving dignified and durable solutions for
refugees and internally displaced persons, and of ensuring their full participation in
the planning and management of these solutions, demands that all parties to the
conflict in Darfur create the conditions conducive to allowing the voluntary, safe,
dignified and sustainable return of refugees and internally displaced persons or their
local integration;
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16. Notes that security will greatly facilitate early recovery initiatives and a
return to normalcy in Darfur; stresses the importance of early recovery efforts in
Darfur, and in this respect encourages UNAMID, within its current mandate, to
facilitate the work of the UN Country Team and expert agencies on early recovery
and reconstruction in Darfur, inter alia through the provision of area security; and
calls on the Government of Sudan to continue its efforts to resolve the root causes
of the Darfur crisis and to increase investment in early recovery activity;
17. Expresses deep concern over the persistent localized conflicts and
violence and their effect on civilians, and the proliferation of arms, in particular
small arms, and, in this regard, requests UNAMID to continue to support local
conflict resolution mechanisms and to monitor whether any arms or related material
are present in Darfur in accordance with its mandate as set out in paragraph 9 of
resolution 1769;
18. Demands that the parties to the conflict immediately take appropriate
measures to protect civilians, including women and children, from all forms of
sexual violence, in line with resolution 1820 (2008); and requests UNAMID to
report on the implementation of its comprehensive strategy for providing protection
to women and children from sexual violence and gender based violence, as well as
to assess progress towards the elimination of sexual and gender-based violence,
requests the Secretary-General to ensure that the relevant provisions of resolutions
1325 (2000) and 1820 (2008), 1888 (2009) and 1889 (2009) are implemented by
UNAMID and to include information on this in his reporting to the Council;
19. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure (a) continued monitoring and
reporting, as part of the reports referred to in paragraph 8 above, of the situation of
children and (b) continued dialogue with the parties to the conflict towards the
preparation of time bound action plans to end the recruitment and use of child
soldiers and other violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law
against children;
20. Requests the Secretary-General periodically to review and update the
concept of operations and rules of engagement of UNAMID in line with the
mission’s mandate under relevant Security Council resolutions and to report, as part
of the reports referred to in paragraph 8 above, on this to the Security Council and
troop-contributing countries;
21. Decides to remain seized of the matter. [^]