Resolution 236 (1967) of 11 June 1967
The Security Council,
Taking note of the oral reports of the Secretary-General on the situation between Israel and Syria, made at
the 1354th, 1355th, 1356th and 1357th meetings and the supplemental information supplied in documents S/7930
and Add.1-3,
1. Condemns any and all violations of the ceasefire;
2. Requests the Secretary-General to continue his investigations and to report to the Council as soon as
3. Affirms that its demand for a cease-… [read more]fire and discontinuance of all military activities includes a
prohibition of any forward military movements subsequent to the cease-fire;
4. Calls for the prompt return to the cease-fire positions of any troops which may have moved forward
subsequent to 1630 hours GMT on 10 June 1967;
5. Calls for full co-operation with the Chief of Staff of the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization
and the observers in implementing the cease-fire, including freedom of movement and adequate communications
Adopted unanimously at the 1357th meeting. [^]