Resolution 248 (1968) of 24 March 1968
The Security Council,
Having heard the statements of the representatives of Jordan and Israel,
Having noted the contents of the letters of the Permanent Representatives of Jordan and Israel in documents
S/8470, S/8475, S/8478, S/8483, S/8484 and S/8486,
Having noted further the supplementary information provided by the Chief of Staff of the United Nations Truce
Supervision Organization as contained in documents S/7930/Add.64 and Add.65,
Recalling resolution 236 (1967) by which the Security Council condemned any and all violations of the
Observing that the military action by the armed forces of Israel on the territory of Jordan was of a
large-scale and carefully planned nature,
Considering that all violent incidents and other violations of the cease-fire should be prevented and not
overlooking past incidents of this nature,
Recalling further resolution 237 (1967) which called upon the Government of Israel to ensure the safety,
welfare and security of the inhabitants of the areas where military operations have taken place,
1. Deplores the loss of life and heavy damage to property;
2. Condemns the military action launched by Israel in flagrant violation of the United Nations Charter and the
cease-fire resolutions;
3. Deplores all violent incidents in violation of the cease-fire and declares that such actions of military
reprisal and other grave violations of the cease-fire cannot be tolerated and that the Security Council would
have to consider further and more effective steps as envisaged in the Charter to ensure against repetition of
such acts;
4. Calls upon Israel to desist from acts or activities in contravention of resolution 237 (1967);
5. Requests the Secretary-General to keep the situation under review and to report to the Security Council as
Adopted unanimously at the 1407th meeting.