Resolution 241 (1967)
of 15 November 1967
The Security Council,
Concerned by the serious situation created in the Democratic Republic of the Congo following the armed attacks
committed against that country by foreign forces of mercenaries,
Concerned that Portugal allowed those mercenaries to use the territory of Angola under its administration as
a base for their armed attacks against the Democratic Republic of the Congo,
Taking into consideration the support and assistance that those… [read more] mercenaries have continued to receive from some
foreign sources with regard to recruitment and training, as well as transport and supply of arms,
Concerned at the threat which the organization of such forces poses to the territorial integrity and
independence of States,
Reaffirming its resolutions 226 (1966) of 14 October 1966 and 239 (1967) of 10 July 1967,
1. Condemns any act of interference in the internal affairs of the Democratic Republic of the Congo;
2. Condemns, in particular, the failure of Portugal, in violation of the above-mentioned Security Council
resolutions, to prevent the mercenaries from using the territory of Angola under its administration as a base
of operations for armed attacks against the Democratic Republic of the Congo;
3. Calls upon Portugal to put an end immediately, in conformity with the above-mentioned resolutions of the
Security Council, to the provision to the mercenaries of any assistance whatsoever;
4. Calls upon all countries receiving mercenaries who have participated in the armed attacks against the
Democratic Republic of the Congo to take appropriate measures to prevent them from renewing their activities
against any State;
5. Calls upon all Member States to co-operate with the Security Council in the implementation of this
6. Decides that the Security Council should remain seized of the question and requests the Secretary-General
to follow the implementation of the present resolution.
Adopted at the 1378th meeting. [^]