Resolution 2574 (2021)
Adopted by the Security Council on 11 May 2021
The Security Council,
Reaffirming its full commitment to the peace process in the Republic of Colombia,
Recalling all its resolutions and statements of its President regarding the peace process in Colombia,
Welcoming the progress made towards peace across Colombia since the adoption of the Final Agreement for Ending the Conflict and Building a Stable and Lasting Peace (the Final Agreement) and urging the parties, with the… [read more] support of relevant state institutions and security forces, as well as civil society, to work together to sustain progress and address challenges, in particular the continued violence in conflict-affected areas, through comprehensive implementation of the Final Agreement, and recalling in this regard the five priorities for 2021 recommended by the Secretary-General in his report S/2020/1301,
Recalling in particular its resolution 2366 (2017) which established the United Nations Verification Mission in Colombia (the Verification Mission) to verify implementation by the Government of Colombia and Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC-EP) of sections 3.2 and 3.4 of the Final Agreement as called for in section 6.3.3 of the Final Agreement, and recalling the positive role played by the Verification Mission in that regard,
Acknowledging the letter dated 13 January 2021 from the President of Colombia, on behalf of the Government of Colombia and with the agreement of the party of the former FARC-EP (S/2021/147), requesting the addition to the mandate of the Verification Mission of the task of verifying compliance with the sentences of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace, as envisaged in the Final Agreement, and taking note of the coordinating role of the Office of the Presidential Counsellor for Stabilisation and Consolidation specified in the letter,
Noting that, under the terms of the Final Agreement, the sentences of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace will have the overall aim of realising the rights of victims and consolidating peace, and will need to have the greatest restorative and reparative function in relation to the harm caused,
Recognising the contribution the Verification Mission could make to building confidence in the Comprehensive System for Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition established under the Final Agreement, which is integral to the success of the peace process and the fulfilment of the rights of the victims of the conflict,
Having considered the Secretary-General’s letter to the President of the Security Council of 24 February 2021 (S/2021/186),
1. Decides, following the request of the Government of Colombia and to support the comprehensive implementation of the Final Agreement, that the Verification Mission shall, in addition to the provisions of its existing mandate as most recently extended by resolution 2545 (2020), verify compliance with and implementation of the sentences issued by the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (SJP) to individuals the SJP determines to have acknowledged detailed and complete truth, and responsibility before the Judicial Panel for Acknowledgement of Truth, Responsibility and Determination of Facts and Conduct as per the sentencing framework established under section 5.1.2 of the Final Agreement;
2. Decides further that the tasks of the Verification Mission in this regard shall be those described in the Secretary-General’s letter S/2021/186, including verifying the fulfilment by sentenced persons of the terms of their sentences as well as the establishment by Colombian state authorities of the conditions necessary for this, and that the Verification Mission shall adopt a strategic and inclusive approach to such verification, as described in the Secretary-General’s letter, noting the proposal therein to focus monitoring on overall trends in compliance and select individual cases;
3. Welcomes the Secretary-General’s proposal to incorporate reporting with respect to the verification of compliance with the sentences referred to in paragraph 1 of this resolution within the existing reporting cycle for the Verification Mission, and to keep the Council fully informed of the preparations of the Verification Mission and the progress, assessment, and eventual results of the verification;
4. Decides to extend the mandate of the Verification Mission until 31 October 2021;
5. Expresses its willingness to work with the Government of Colombia on the further extension of the mandate of the Verification Mission on the basis of agreement between the parties. [^]