Resolution 2655 (2022)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 9169th meeting, on 27 October 2022
The Security Council,
Reaffirming its full commitment to the peace process in the Republic of Colombia,
Recalling all its resolutions and Presidential and press statements regarding the peace process in Colombia,
Welcoming the progress made towards peace across Colombia since the adoption of the Final Agreement for Ending the Conflict and Building a Stable and Lasting Peace (the Final Agreement),… [read more] urging the parties, with the support of relevant state institutions and security forces, as well as civil society, to work together to continue building upon this progress and address ongoing challenges, in particular the continued violence in conflict-affected areas, through comprehensive implementation of the Final Agreement, including rural reform, inclusive political participation, its ethnic and gender provisions, and countering illicit drugs including through crop substitution programmes, and recalling the disproportionate impact of the conflict on women and its effects on persons belonging to indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities,
Taking note of the engagement of the Peacebuilding Commission with the Government of Colombia and looking forward to further cooperation, including with relevant UN agencies, in order to ensure an integrated and coherent approach to the comprehensive implementation of the Final Agreement,
Recalling in particular its resolution 2366 (2017) which established the United Nations Verification Mission in Colombia (the Verification Mission) to verify implementation by the Government of Colombia and Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC-EP) of sections 3.2 and 3.4 of the Final Agreement as called for in section 6.3.3 of the Final Agreement, and recalling the positive role played by the Verification Mission in that regard,
Recalling also its resolution 2574 (2021) which expanded the mandate of the Verification Mission to include the additional task of verifying compliance with and implementation of the sentences to be issued by the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (SJP), and welcoming the ongoing preparations being made by the Verification Mission, working with the SJP, in this regard,
Noting that, under the terms of the Final Agreement, the sentences of the SJP will have the overall aim of realising the rights of victims and consolidating peace, and will need to have the greatest restorative and reparative function in relation to the harm caused,
Recognising the contribution the Verification Mission could make to building confidence in the Comprehensive System for Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition established under the Final Agreement, which is integral to the success of the peace process and the fulfilment of the rights of the victims of the conflict,
Acknowledging the letter of 17 October from the Foreign Minister of Colombia (S/2022/787) requesting an extension of the mandate of the Verification Mission and for the Council to consider tasking the Mission to verify the implementation of section 1 on comprehensive rural reform and section 6.2 on the Ethnic Chapter of the Final Agreement as a shared request of the Government of Colombia and the party of the former FARC-EP,
1. Decides to extend the mandate of the Verification Mission until 31 October 2023;
2. Requests the Secretary-General to provide detailed recommendations to the Council on how the additional tasks on the verification of section 1 and section 6.2 of the Final Agreement, as requested in the 17 October letter from the Foreign Minister of Colombia, would be carried out and to confirm any implications for the configuration of the Mission within 45 days of the adoption of this resolution and expresses its intent to consider swiftly these recommendations;
3. Expresses its willingness to work with the Government of Colombia on the further extension of the mandate of the Verification Mission on the basis of agreement between the parties. [^]