Resolution 2694 (2023)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 9391st meeting, on 2 August 2023
The Security Council,
Reaffirming its full commitment to the peace process in the Republic of Colombia,
Recalling all its resolutions and Presidential and press statements regarding the peace process in Colombia,
Recalling in particular its resolution 2655 (2022) which renewed the mandate of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia until 31 October 2023,
Recalling the importance of continued… [read more] implementation of the 2016 Final Peace Agreement, as set out in Resolution 2307 (2016), welcoming the Government of Colombia’s efforts to seek broader peace through dialogue and recognising that ceasefire agreements are a step towards the development of more comprehensive peace agreements,
Taking note of the 2 June 2023 letter from the Secretary-General (S/2023/406) which conveyed the request from the Government of the Republic of Colombia for the Council to consider tasking the Verification Mission to participate in the monitoring and verification of ceasefire arrangements between the Government of Colombia and the Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN), and of the 19 June 2023 letter from the Secretary-General conveying the Bilateral, National and Temporary Ceasefire Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Colombia and the ELN (“Second Cuba Agreement”), and of the 19 July letter from the Secretary-General (S/2023/540) conveying the signed protocols of the ceasefire agreement between the Government of Colombia and the ELN,
Considering that the ceasefire between the Government of Colombia and the ELN should contribute to improving the humanitarian situation in conflict-affected areas, and encouraging the parties to continue strengthening the protection of civilians in accordance with international humanitarian law,
Noting that the Government of Colombia and the armed group that calls itself Estado Mayor Central (EMC) have initiated dialogue towards the construction of peace and the re-establishment of a ceasefire agreement,
Having considered the recommendations and proposals of the Secretary-General regarding options for the verification and monitoring of ceasefires set out in his letter of 13 June 2023 (S/2023/438),
1. Decides that, in addition to the provisions of the Verification Mission’s existing mandate as set out in resolution 2655 (2022) and resolution 2673 (2023), the Verification Mission shall monitor and verify the implementation of the ceasefire as outlined in the Second Cuba Agreement between the Government of Colombia and the ELN and to that end authorises up to 68 additional international observers to the Mission’s existing complement, as well as an appropriate civilian component taking into account existing resources where possible;
2. Expresses its willingness to consider mandating the Verification Mission to monitor and verify the implementation of a ceasefire agreement between the Government of Colombia and the armed group that calls itself EMC when the Secretary-General confirms a ceasefire including appropriate verification protocols has been reached, and taking into account an update from the Secretary-General on the progress of implementation of this resolution;
3. Welcomes the Secretary-General’s proposal to incorporate reporting with respect to the additional tasks set out in this resolution within the same quarterly reporting cycle already established by resolution 2655 (2022) as well as the Secretary-General’s proposal to keep the Council abreast of the situation on the ground including the contribution of the ceasefire to the improvement of the humanitarian situation in conflict-affected areas, in accordance with the UN’s current mandate. [^]