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Resolution 312

Territories under Portuguese administration


Resolution 312 (1972) of 4 February 1972
The Security Council,

Having reviewed the situation in the African territories under Portuguese administration,
Having heard the statements of those individuals invited to address the Council on this question,
Taking note of the statement of the Chairman of the Special Committee on the situation with regard to the
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples,
Gravely concerned that the Government of Portugal is continuing its measures of repression in its military
operations against the African peoples of Angola, Mozambique and Guinea (Bissau), in order to suppress the
legitimate aspirations of the peoples for self-determination and independence,
Deploring the refusal of the Government of Portugal to implement the pertinent resolutions of the Security Council,
adopted on the question of the Territories under Portuguese administration, in accordance with the purposes and
principles of the Charter of the United Nations,
Further deploring the policies and actions of those States which continue to provide Portugal with military and
other assistance, which it uses to pursue its colonial and repressive policies against the peoples of Angola,
Mozambique and Guinea (Bissau),
Seriously concerned at the repeated violations by the armed forces of Portugal of the sovereignty and territorial
integrity of independent African States,
Deeply disturbed at the reported use of chemical substances by Portugal in its colonial wars against the peoples
of Angola, Mozambique and Guinea (Bissau),
Recognizing the legitimacy of the struggle of the liberation movements in Angola, Mozambique and Guinea (Bissau)
in their demand for the achievement of self-determination and independence,
1. Reaffirms the inalienable right of the peoples of Angola, Mozambique and Guinea (Bissau) to self-determination
and independence, as recognized by the General Assembly in its resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960, and
recognizes the legitimacy of their struggle to achieve that right;
2. Condemns the persistent refusal of the Government of Portugal to implement General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV)
and all other relevant resolutions of the Security Council;
3. Again affirms that the situation resulting from the policies of Portugal both in its colonies and in its
constant provocations against the neighbouring States seriously disturbs international peace and security in the
African continent;
4. Calls upon Portugal:
(a) To recognize immediately the right of the peoples of the Territories under its administration to
self-determination and independence, in accordance with General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV);
(b) To cease immediately the colonial wars and all acts of repression against the peoples of Angola, Mozambique
and Guinea (Bissau);
(c) To withdraw all its armed forces as presently employed for the purpose of the repression of the peoples of
Angola, Mozambique and Guinea (Bissau);
(d) To promulgate an unconditional political amnesty and the restoration of democratic political rights;
(e) To transfer power to political institutions freely elected and representative of the peoples, in accordance
with General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV);
5. Again calls upon Portugal to refrain from any violations of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of
African States;
6. Calls upon all States to refrain forthwith from offering the Portuguese Government any assistance which would
enable it to continue its repression of the peoples of the Territories under its administration, and to take all
the necessary measures to prevent the sale and supply of arms and military equipment to the Portuguese Government
for this purpose, including the sale and shipment of equipment and materials for the manufacture and maintenance
of arms and ammunition to be used in the Territories under Portuguese administration;
7. Requests the Secretary-General to follow the implementation of the present resolution and report to the
Security Council from time to time.

Adopted at the 1639th meeting by 9 votes to none, with 6 abstentions (Argentina, Belgium, France, Italy, United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America).

Angola, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal
Territories under Portuguese administration
Quoted in resolutions
Security Council Composition