Resolution 580 (1985) of 30 December 1985
The Security Council,
Talcing note of the letter dated 23 December 1985 from the Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of
Lesotho to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council,
Having heard the statement by the Honourable Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Lesotho,
Mr. M. V. Makhele,
Bearing in mind that all Member States must refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of
force against the… [read more] territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or acting in any other manner
inconsistent with the purposes of the Charter of the United Nations,
Recalling its resolution 527 (1982),
Gravely concerned at the recent unprovoked and premeditated killings for which South Africa is responsible, in
violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Lesotho, and their consequences for
peace and security in southern Africa,
Gravely concerned that this act of aggression is aimed at weakening the determined and unrelenting humanitarian
support given by Lesotho to South African refugees,
Grieved at the tragic loss of life of six South African refugees and three nationals of Lesotho resulting from
this act of aggression committed against Lesotho,
Alarmed at the fact that the continued existence of apartheid in South Africa is the root cause of increased
violence both within South Africa and from South Africa against neighbouring countries,
1. Strongly condemns these killings and recent acts of unprovoked and premeditated violence, for which South
Africa is responsible, against the Kingdom of Lesotho in flagrant violation of the sovereignty and territorial
integrity of that country;
2. Demands the payment by South Africa of full and adequate compensation to the Kingdom of Lesotho for the damage
and loss of life resulting from this act of aggression;
3. Calls upon all parties to normalize their relations and to employ established channels of communication on all
matters of mutual concern;
4. Reaffirms Lesotho's right to receive and give sanctuary to the victims of apartheid in accordance with its
traditional practice, humanitarian principles and its international obligations;
5. Requests Member States to extend urgently all necessary economic assistance to Lesotho in order to strengthen
its capacity to receive, maintain and protect South African refugees in Lesotho;
6. Calls upon the South African Government to resort to peaceful means in resolving international problems in
accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the Declaration on Principles of International Law
concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation
among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations;
7. Further calls upon South Africa to live up to its commitment not to destabilize neighbouring countries nor
to allow its territory to be used as a springboard for attacks against neighbouring countries and to declare
publicly that it will, in future, comply with provisions of the Charter of the United Nations and that it will
not commit acts of violence against Lesotho, either directly or through its proxies;
8. Demands that South Africa forthwith take meaningful steps towards the dismantling of apartheid;
9. Requests the Secretary-General to establish, in consultation with the Government of Lesotho, an appropriate
presence comprising one or two civilians in Maseru, for the purpose of keeping him informed of any development
affecting the territorial integrity of Lesotho;
10. Further requests the Secretary-General, through appropriate means, to monitor the implementation of the
present resolution and the prevailing situation and to report to the Security Council as the situation demands;
11. Decides to remain seized of the matter.
Adopted unanimously at the 2639th meeting. [^]