S/RES/889 (1993)
15 December 1993
RESOLUTION 889 (1993)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 3322nd meeting,
on 15 December 1993
The Security Council,
Recalling its resolution 186 (1964) and other relevant resolutions,
Having considered the report of the Secretary-General of 22 November 1993
(S/26777 and Add.1) submitted pursuant to resolutions 831 (1993) of 27 May 1993
and 839 (1993) of 11 June 1993 in connection with the Security Council’s
comprehensive reassessment of the United Nations… [read more] operation in Cyprus,
Noting the recommendation by the Secretary-General that the Security
Council extend the stationing of the United Nations Peace-keeping Force in
Cyprus in its present strength and structure for a further period of six months,
Noting also that the Government of Cyprus has agreed that, in view of the
prevailing conditions in the island, it is necessary to keep the Force in Cyprus
beyond 15 December 1993,
1. Extends once more the stationing in Cyprus of the United Nations
Peace-keeping Force established under resolution 186 (1964) (UNFICYP) for a
further period ending on 15 June 1994;
2. Notes the Secretary-General’s conclusion that the present
circumstances do not allow for any modification in the structure and strength of
UNFICYP and requests him to keep those matters under constant review with a view
to the further possible restructuring of UNFICYP;
3. Calls upon the military authorities on both sides to ensure that no
incidents occur along the buffer zone and to extend their full cooperation to
4. Urges all concerned once again to commit themselves to a significant
reduction in the number of foreign troops in the Republic of Cyprus and a
reduction of defence spending in the Republic of Cyprus to help restore
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confidence between the parties and as a first step towards the withdrawal of
non-Cypriot forces as set out in the Set of Ideas;
5. Calls upon the military authorities on both sides, in line with
paragraph 3 of resolution 839 (1993) of 11 June 1993, to begin discussions with
UNFICYP without further delay with a view to entering into mutual commitments to
prohibit along the cease-fire lines live ammunition or weapons other than those
which are hand-held and to prohibit also the firing of weapons within sight or
hearing of the buffer zone;
6. Calls upon the military authorities on both sides to cooperate with
UNFICYP in extending the 1989 unmanning agreement to cover all areas of the
buffer zone where the two sides are in close proximity to each other;
7. Urges the leaders of both communities to promote tolerance and
reconciliation between the two communities as recommended in paragraph 102 of
the Secretary-General’s report of 22 November 1993;
8. Reaffirms that the status quo is unacceptable, and encourages the
Secretary-General and his Special Representative to pursue the Secretary-
General’s mission of good offices on the basis of the Set of Ideas and the
package of confidence-building measures relating to Varosha and Nicosia
International Airport referred to in paragraph 45 of the Secretary-General’s
report of 22 November 1993;
9. Notes with interest the confirmation by the team of international
economic experts that the package of confidence-building measures holds
significant and proportionate benefits for both sides, and looks forward to
receiving the full reports of the economic and civil aviation experts;
10. Welcomes in this context the decision of the Secretary-General to
resume intensive contacts with both sides and with others concerned and to
concentrate at this stage on achieving an agreement on the package of
confidence-building measures, intended to facilitate the political process
towards an overall settlement;
11. Further welcomes the declared support of the Government of Turkey for
the package of confidence-building measures, would also welcome a statement of
support for that package by the Government of Greece and expresses the hope that
rapid progress will now be made on achieving agreement on the package;
12. Requests the Secretary-General to submit a report by the end of
February 1994 on the outcome of his efforts to achieve an agreement on the
package of confidence-building measures;
13. Decides to undertake, on the basis of that report, a thorough review
of the situation, including the future role of the United Nations, and, if
necessary, to consider alternative ways to promote the implementation of its
resolutions on Cyprus.
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