S/RES/892 (1993)
22 December 1993
RESOLUTION 892 (1993)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 3325th meeting,
on 22 December 1993
The Security Council,
Reaffirming its resolutions 849 (1993) of 9 July 1993, 854 (1993) of
6 August 1993, 858 (1993) of 24 August 1993, 876 (1993) of 19 October 1993 and
881 (1993) of 4 November 1993,
Also reaffirming its resolution 868 (1993) of 29 September 1993 concerning
the security of United Nations operations,
Having considered the Secretary-General’s letter… [read more] of 16 December 1993
concerning the situation in Abkhazia, Republic of Georgia (S/26901),
Noting the letter of 9 December 1993 from the Permanent Representative of
Georgia to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General, transmitting
the Memorandum of Understanding between the Georgian and Abkhazian sides signed
in Geneva on 1 December 1993 (S/26875),
Welcoming the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding (S/26875),
Taking note that the parties to the Memorandum of Understanding consider
that the maintenance of peace would be promoted by an increased international
presence in the zone of conflict,
Taking note also of the first expert level talks held between the parties
in Moscow on 15 and 16 December 1993 and of the intention to convene a new round
of negotiations in Geneva on 11 January 1994 with a view to achieving a
comprehensive political settlement of the conflict,
Noting that encouraging progress has been achieved in the negotiations
between the parties, which justifies the deployment of additional United Nations
military observers,
Noting also the decisions of the ministerial meeting of the Conference on
Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) held in Rome on 30 November and
1 December 1993 (S/26843), and welcoming further the continuing cooperation
between the United Nations and the CSCE in this matter,
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S/RES/892 (1993)
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Deeply concerned at the humanitarian situation in Georgia, in particular at
the number of displaced persons and refugees,
1. Welcomes the Secretary-General’s letter of 16 December 1993 (S/26901);
2. Authorizes the phased deployment of up to 50 additional United Nations
military observers to UNOMIG as recommended by the Secretary-General in his
letter (S/26901) to perform the functions described in paragraph 4 of Security
Council resolution 881 (1993) and in this manner to contribute to the
implementation by the parties of the provisions of the Memorandum of
Understanding of 1 December 1993; and requests the Secretary-General to inform
the Council on the duties of new observers as additional deployments beyond the
initial 10 referred to in the Secretary-General’s letter (S/26901) are
3. Notes the intention of the Secretary-General to plan and prepare for a
possible further expansion of UNOMIG to ensure prompt deployment should the
situation on the ground and the course of negotiations warrant it;
4. Expresses its willingness to review the existing mandate of UNOMIG
taking into account any progress achieved towards the promotion of a
comprehensive political settlement and in the light of the report of the
Secretary-General due late January 1994; this report should cover, inter alia,
the specific activities UNOMIG will undertake, prospects for the mission, and
anticipated costs, in light of the situation on the ground and in the
5. Urges the parties to comply fully with all the commitments they have
undertaken in the Memorandum of Understanding, and in particular with the
commitments undertaken in accordance with the main provisions of the cease-fire
agreement of 27 July 1993, set out in paragraph 1 of the Memorandum of
6. Urges also the parties to take all steps necessary to ensure the
security of UNOMIG personnel and welcomes the readiness of the Government of the
Russian Federation to assist the Secretary-General in this regard;
7. Urges also the parties fully to comply with their undertakings in the
Memorandum of Understanding to create conditions for the voluntary, safe and
speedy return of refugees to the places of their permanent residence and to
facilitate the provision of humanitarian assistance to all victims of the
8. Urges also the parties not to take any political or any other steps
that could aggravate the existing situation or hinder the process towards a
comprehensive political settlement;
9. Encourages donor States to make contributions in response to the
United Nations humanitarian appeal;
10. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.
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