16 (1947). Resolution of 10 January 1947 The Security Council, Having received and examined the annexes to the proposed Peace Treaty with Italy relating to the creation and government of the...
17 (1947). Resolution of 10 February 1947 Whereas the Commission of Investigation established by the Security Council by its resolution 15 (1946) of 19 December 1946 has referred to the Council...
18 (1947). Resolution of 13 February 1947 [S/268/Rev.l/Corr.l] The Security Council, Having accepted General Assembly resolution 41 (1) of 14 December 1946, and recognizing that the genera...
19 (1947). Resolution of 27 February 1947 As a preliminary step in the consideration of the incidents in the Corfu Channel which are the subject of a dispute between the United Kingdom and Alba...
20 (1947). Resolution of 10 March 1947 [S/296] The Security Council, Having received and considered the first report of the Atomic Energy Commission, dated 31 December 1946, together with...
21 (1947). Resolution of 2 April 1947 [S/318] Whereas Article 75 of the Charter of the United Nations provides for the establishment of an International Trusteeship System for the administra...
22 (1947). Resolution of 9 April 1947 [S/324] The Security Council, Having considered statements of representatives of the United Kingdom and of Albania concerning a dispute between the Uni...
23 (1947). Resolution of 18 April 1947 [S/330/Corr.l] The Security Council, Resolves that, pending a new decision of the Security Council, the Commission established by the Council's reso...
24 (1947). Resolution of 30 April 1947 The Security Council, Resolves that the application of Hungary for admission to membership in the United Nations dated 22 April 1947 should be referred...
25 (1947). Resolution of 22 May 1947 The Security Council, Resolves that the application of Italy to the Security Council for membership in the United Nations be referred to the Security Cou...