S/RES/1767 (2007)
Security Council Distr.: General
30 July 2007
07-44337 (E)
Resolution 1767 (2007)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 5725th meeting, on
30 July 2007
The Security Council,
Reaffirming all its previous resolutions and statements pertaining to the
situation between Ethiopia and Eritrea (hereinafter referred to as “the parties”) and
the requirements contained therein, including in particular resolutions 1320 (2000),
1430 (2002), 1466 (2003), 1640 (2005), 1681 (2006),… [read more] 1710 (2006) and 1741 (2007),
Stressing once again its unwavering commitment to the peace process, and to
the full and expeditious implementation of the Algiers Agreements, and the
importance of prompt implementation of the delimitation decision of the Eritrea-
Ethiopia Boundary Commission (EEBC) (S/2002/423) as a basis for peaceful and
cooperative relations between the parties,
Reaffirming the integrity of the Temporary Security Zone (TSZ) as provided
for in the Agreement on Cessation of Hostilities of 18 June 2000 (S/2000/601) and
recalling the objectives of its establishment and the commitment of the parties to
respect the TSZ, and in this regard, expressing deep concern over the continuing
serious violations of the TSZ,
Underlining that the Security Council remains committed to its role, in
particular helping to ensure that the parties respect the commitments they made in
the Agreement on Cessation of Hostilities,
Commending the efforts made by the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and
Eritrea (UNMEE) and its military and civilian personnel to accomplish its duties,
despite the difficult circumstances,
Stressing further that the full demarcation of the border between the two
parties is vital to lasting peace between Ethiopia and Eritrea as well as in the region,
recalling that both parties under the Peace Agreement of 12 December 2000 have
agreed to cooperate with the EEBC in the delimitation and demarcation process and
that they also agreed that the delimitation and demarcation determinations of the
EEBC will be final and binding, commending the efforts of the EEBC to resume
demarcation, and expressing its regret that the EEBC, for reasons beyond its control
as explained in the Annexes of the report of the Secretary-General of 22 January
2007 (S/2007/33), has so far been unable to demarcate the boundary as planned,
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Acknowledging the Statement of the EEBC of 27 November 2006,
Reaffirming its full support for the work of the EEBC and welcoming the
decision of the EEBC to convene a meeting with the parties on 6 September 2007 in
New York,
Expressing its deep concern over the continued delay in the demarcation of the
border and over the continued tense and potentially unstable security situation in the
Temporary Security Zone and the adjacent areas, and stressing that it is the primary
responsibility of the Parties to end this situation by fulfilling their obligations
expeditiously under the Algiers agreements,
Having considered the report of the Secretary-General of 18 July 2007
1. Decides to extend the mandate of UNMEE for a period of six months,
until 31 January 2008;
2. Calls on the parties to maintain their full commitment to the Agreement
on Cessation of Hostilities and to de-escalate the situation, including by returning to
the 16 December 2004 levels of deployment and by avoiding provocative military
3. Reiterates its call expressed in paragraph 2 of resolution 1640 (2005)
that the parties show maximum restraint and refrain from any threat or use of force
against each other and reiterates its call to put an end to the exchange of hostile
4. Reiterates its demands that Eritrea immediately withdraw its troops and
heavy military equipment from the TSZ;
5. Calls on Ethiopia to reduce the number of additional military forces
recently introduced in certain areas adjacent to the TSZ;
6. Regrets the lack of progress on demarcation, and stresses that the parties
have the primary responsibility for the implementation of the Algiers Agreements,
and again calls upon the parties to implement completely and without further delay
or preconditions the delimitation decision of the EEBC and to take concrete steps to
resume and complete the demarcation process, including agreeing on a time frame
for possible next steps;
7. Stresses the need for progress on demarcation and reiterates its call upon
both parties to cooperate fully with the EEBC, including participating constructively
and with sufficient authority in the meeting to be convened by the EEBC on
6 September in New York, and underlines the importance of this meeting;
8. Welcomes the letter dated 8 June 2007 from the Minister for Foreign
Affairs of Ethiopia to the President of Security Council, reiterating that his
Government had accepted the delimitation decision of the EEBC without
preconditions, and reiterates its demand, expressed in paragraph 5 of Security
Council resolution 1640 (2005), that Ethiopia immediately take concrete steps to
enable, without preconditions, the EEBC to demarcate the border expeditiously;
9. Demands that the parties provide UNMEE with the necessary access,
assistance, support and protection required for the performance of its duties,
including its mandated task to assist the EEBC in the expeditious and orderly
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implementation of the Delimitation Decision, in accordance with resolutions 1430
(2002) and 1466 (2003) and demands that any restrictions be lifted immediately,
including those restrictions specified in the report S/2007/440;
10. Reiterates its demand expressed in paragraph 1 of resolution 1640 (2005)
that Eritrea reverse, without further delay or preconditions, all restrictions on
UNMEE’s movement and operations, and provide UNMEE with the cooperation,
access, protection and support required for the performance of its duties;
11. Reiterates its call to both parties to fully cooperate with UNMEE with a
view to urgently reactivating the work of the Military Coordination Commission
which remains a unique forum to discuss pressing military and security issues;
12. Expresses its willingness to reconsider any changes to UNMEE in light
of subsequent progress toward demarcation, and its readiness to take further
decisions to ensure that UNMEE will be able to facilitate demarcation as progress
becomes possible;
13. Welcomes and looks forward to the continuation of the ongoing efforts by
the Secretary-General and the international community to engage with Eritrea and
Ethiopia to help them to normalize their relations, to promote stability between the
parties, and to lay the foundation for sustainable peace in the region;
14. Welcomes the ongoing efforts by the Secretary-General towards the
earliest appointment of a Special Representative;
15. Calls on Member States to provide contributions to the Trust Fund,
established pursuant to resolution 1177 (1998) and referred to in Article 4 (17) of
the Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed by Ethiopia and Eritrea on
12 December 2000, in order to support the demarcation process;
16. Expresses its deep appreciation for the contribution and dedication of the
troop-contributing countries to the work of UNMEE;
17. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter. [^]