S/RES/1949 (2010)
Security Council Distr.: General
23 November 2010
10-64890 (E)
Resolution 1949 (2010)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 6428th meeting, on
23 November 2010
The Security Council,
Recalling its previous resolutions and statements of its President concerning
the situation in Guinea-Bissau, in particular its resolution 1876 (2009),
Expressing its deep concern at the continuing instability in Guinea-Bissau, in
particular the lack of civilian oversight and control of… [read more] the armed forces and the
continued detentions without due process of law that followed the events of 1 April
Stressing the fact that such developments demonstrate the fragility of the
political situation, and jeopardize the efforts to consolidate peace and stability, as
well as the rule of law in Guinea-Bissau,
Noting with deep concern the threats to national and subregional security and
stability posed by the growth in drug trafficking and organized crime in Guinea-
Recognizing the need to tackle the problem of drug trafficking in the countries
of origin, transit and final destination through an approach of common and shared
Reaffirming that the Government of Guinea-Bissau and all stakeholders must
remain committed to national reconciliation through genuine and inclusive political
dialogue, respect for constitutional order, security sector reform, the promotion of
the rule of law and human rights, and the fight against impunity and illicit drug
Stressing the importance of security sector reform, and reiterating the
continued support of the United Nations and the international community for the
long-term security and development of Guinea-Bissau, particularly in the fields of
security sector reform, justice, and in building the capacity of the Government to
tackle illicit drug trafficking,
Reiterating the importance of regional and subregional cooperation in
addressing the challenges faced by Guinea-Bissau and in this regard welcoming the
appointment by the Chairperson of the African Union (AU) Commission of a
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Special Representative as well as the establishment and operationalization of the AU
Liaison Office in the country,
Welcoming the efforts of the Economic Community of West African States
(ECOWAS) and the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPLP) to
support the reform of the defence and security sector in Guinea-Bissau and
encouraging the international community to remain engaged in addressing key
challenges in the country,
Encouraging relevant stakeholders to remain engaged in addressing key
governance and peacebuilding challenges in the country,
Welcoming the letter from President Malam Bacai Sanha dated 20 September
2010 to ECOWAS requesting support and assistance in the implementation of
security sector reform in Guinea-Bissau,
Emphasizing that the Government of Guinea-Bissau bears the primary
responsibility for security, the protection of its civilian population, peacebuilding
and long-term development in the country,
Recalling its appreciation for the work of the Peacebuilding Commission and
the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in Guinea-Bissau (UNIOGBIS)
in coordinating the assistance provided by the United Nations and international
partners to Guinea-Bissau,
Reaffirming its full commitment to the consolidation of peace and stability in
1. Decides to extend the mandate of the United Nations Integrated
Peacebuilding Office in Guinea-Bissau as established in paragraph 3 of resolution
1876 (2009), until 31 December 2011;
2. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on Guinea-Bissau dated
25 October 2010 (S/2010/550) and of the recommendations contained therein and
welcomes the activities of UNIOGBIS;
3. Requests the Secretary-General to develop a strategic workplan with
appropriate benchmarks to measure and track progress on the implementation of the
UNIOGBIS mandate;
4. Urges the Government and all political stakeholders in Guinea-Bissau to
work together to consolidate peace and stability in the country and intensify efforts
for genuine and inclusive political dialogue and national reconciliation and requests
the Secretary-General, including through his Special Representative, to support such
5. Urges members of the Armed Forces of Guinea-Bissau, in particular its
leaders, to respect constitutional order, civilian rule and oversight, as well as the
rule of law and human rights, to refrain from any interference in political issues, to
guarantee the security of the national institutions, as well as the population in
general, and to fully participate in the reform of the defence and security sector;
6. Further urges Guinea-Bissau’s political leaders to refrain from involving
the military and the judiciary in politics and calls on them to use legal and peaceful
means to resolve differences;
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7. Calls on the Government of Guinea-Bissau to conclude the investigations
into the political assassinations of March and June 2009 and ensure that the results
of the investigations and the work of the National Commission of Inquiry are
credible, transparent and consistent with internationally agreed standards and to
ensure the prosecution of those responsible for criminal acts, so that they are held
8. Requests the Secretary-General to assist in the conclusion of these
investigations and overall efforts to end impunity, promote the rule of law and
constitutional order in Guinea-Bissau;
9. Calls upon the Government of Guinea-Bissau to ensure the prosecution
with full respect for due process of those responsible for criminal acts, such as
political assassinations and drug trafficking, and calls on the AU, ECOWAS, the
European Union (EU), CPLP and bilateral partners to support these efforts;
10. Reiterates its call upon the authorities of Guinea-Bissau to release
immediately all those detained in the events of 1 April 2010 or prosecute them with
full respect for due process and to set free those under incarceration who were
recently acquitted;
11. Welcomes the ECOWAS-CPLP partnership and looks forward to the final
endorsement by ECOWAS of the road map developed by the Chiefs of Defence
Staff to, inter alia, provide training and protection to Guinea-Bissau state
institutions within the framework of security sector reform and as part of the
stabilization of the country’s political and security environment and requests the
Secretary-General, through his Special Representative, to present to it
comprehensive information detailing the proposed modalities, timing and resources
relating to the implementation of the ECOWAS road map;
12. Requests the Secretary-General to engage with ECOWAS and CPLP with
a view to undertaking a joint assessment of the requirements to support the rapid
implementation of the road map once endorsed by ECOWAS, including, how the
necessary resources can best be mobilized, in coordination with relevant partners
including the AU, EU, ECOWAS and CPLP member States;
13. Requests the Secretary-General, through his Special Representative, to
extend political support for the implementation of the road map;
14. Urges the Government of Guinea-Bissau to continue to tackle corruption
including by implementing the United Nations Convention against Corruption and
to create an environment conducive to the implementation of the West Africa Coast
Initiative (WACI) in Guinea-Bissau and urges relevant national entities to establish
a Transnational Crime Unit in Guinea-Bissau through adequate mechanisms;
15. Urges the international community, including the Peacebuilding
Commission and regional organizations such as the AU, the EU, ECOWAS and the
CPLP, as well as bilateral partners as appropriate, to increase their political and
financial support to WACI to fight transnational organized crime and drug trafficking
which threaten peace and security in Guinea-Bissau and in the subregion; welcomes
in this regard the commitment of ECOWAS with the United Nations, the EU and
other partners for the immediate implementation of the ECOWAS Regional Action
Plan on Drug Trafficking and Organized Crime, including options for targeted
sanctions against those individuals identified as members or supporters of the drug
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trafficking network, and agrees to keep the situation under active review, and to
consider appropriate action;
16. Requests the Secretary-General, through his Special Representative in
Guinea-Bissau, to continue to support national efforts to effectively coordinate
international assistance for credible security sector reform under the principle of full
civilian control of the military and on the basis of a comprehensive threat
assessment, taking into account the work already undertaken by the EU and other
international actors in this area;
17. Requests the Peacebuilding Commission to continue to support the
implementation of Guinea-Bissau’s peacebuilding priorities as well as to continue to
provide advice to the Security Council on how to remove critical obstacles to
peacebuilding in Guinea-Bissau, in particular security sector reform and drug
trafficking and to keep the Council updated on progress it has made in helping to
address these;
18. Encourages the Special Representative of the Secretary-General to
continue to pursue efforts to enhance integration and effectiveness of the United
Nations on the ground in support of the stabilization, peace and development
priorities of the Government and people of Guinea-Bissau;
19. Emphasizes the important role of women in prevention and resolution of
conflicts and in peacebuilding, as recognized in resolution 1325 (2000) and 1820
(2008), 1888 (2009) and 1889 (2009), underlines that a gender perspective should
be taken into account in implementing all aspects of the mandate of UNIOGBIS,
and encourages UNIOGBIS to work with national authorities in this regard, and
relevant stakeholders to improve women’s participation in peacebuilding;
20. Requests the Secretary-General to report on progress made in
implementing this resolution and the mandate of UNIOGBIS as outlined in
resolution 1876 (2009), every four months, including in his first report details of
progress made in undertaking the joint assessment referred to in paragraph 12 and
the implementation of the road map, once endorsed by ECOWAS;
21. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter. [^]