S/RES/1876 (2009)
Security Council Distr.: General
26 June 2009
09-38434 (E)
Resolution 1876 (2009)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 6152nd meeting, on
26 June 2009
The Security Council,
Recalling its previous resolutions and statements of its President concerning
the situation in Guinea-Bissau, as well as the letter of its President of 22 December
2008 (S/2008/778) to the Secretary-General,
Expressing its deep concern at the resurgence of political violence, in
particular the… [read more] political assassinations in Guinea-Bissau,
Stressing the fact that such developments demonstrate the fragility of the
political situation, and jeopardize the efforts to restore peace and stability, as well as
the rule of law in Guinea-Bissau,
Stressing the importance of the upcoming presidential election in Guinea-
Bissau of 28 June 2009, and the need to have free, fair and transparent elections as a
crucial and necessary step towards the full return to constitutional order,
consolidation of democracy and national reconciliation,
Underlining the need for everyone to respect the results of the election, and
calling upon all stakeholders to contribute to a peaceful environment during and
after the election,
Reaffirming that the Government of Guinea-Bissau and all stakeholders must
remain committed to security sector reform, the promotion of the rule of law, and
the fight against impunity and illicit drug trafficking,
Stressing the importance of security sector reform, and reiterating the
continued support of the United Nations and the international community for the
long-term security and development of Guinea-Bissau, particularly in the fields of
security sector reform, justice, and in building the capacity of the Government to
fight against illicit drug trafficking,
Reiterating the importance of the regional and subregional cooperation in
addressing the challenges faced by Guinea-Bissau,
Recalling the adoption of the strategic Framework for Peacebuilding in
Guinea-Bissau (PBC/3/GNB/3) on 1 October 2008, and encouraging the
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Government of Guinea-Bissau to continue its close engagement with the
Peacebuilding Commission towards its accelerated implementation,
Noting that the situation in Guinea-Bissau continues to be extremely fragile in
particular as a result of increased drug trafficking and organized crime that could
pose a threat to regional stability, and should also be addressed by an approach of
shared responsibility,
Stressing its concern of human trafficking, especially that of children outside
the country,
Reaffirming its full commitment to the consolidation of peace and stability in
1. Decides to extend the mandate of the United Nations Peacebuilding
Support Office in Guinea-Bissau (UNOGBIS) until 31 December 2009;
2. Welcomes the report of the Secretary-General on Guinea-Bissau and on
the activities of UNOGBIS in that country of 11 June 2009 (S/2009/302), and takes
note of his recommendations contained therein;
3. Requests the Secretary-General to establish a United Nations Integrated
Peacebuilding Office in Guinea-Bissau (UNIOGBIS) to succeed UNOGBIS, as
recommended by him in his report (S/2009/302) for an initial period of 12 months,
beginning on 1 January 2010, with the following key tasks:
(a) Assisting the Peacebuilding Commission in its work in addressing
critical peacebuilding needs in Guinea-Bissau;
(b) Strengthening the capacities of national institutions in order to maintain
constitutional order, public security and the full respect for the rule of law;
(c) Supporting national authorities to establish effective and efficient police
and law enforcement and criminal justice systems;
(d) Supporting an inclusive political dialogue and national reconciliation
(e) Providing strategic and technical support and assistance to the
Government of Guinea-Bissau in developing and coordinating the implementation
of security sector reform;
(f) Assisting national authorities to combat drug trafficking and organized
crime, as well as human trafficking, especially child trafficking;
(g) Supporting the national efforts to curb the proliferation of small arms and
light weapons;
(h) Undertaking human rights promotion, protection and monitoring
activities and supporting the institutionalization of respect for the rule of law;
(i) Mainstreaming a gender perspective into peacebuilding, in line with
Security Council resolutions 1325 (2000) and 1820 (2008);
(j) Enhancing cooperation with the African Union, the Economic
Community of West African States, the Community of Portuguese-speaking
Countries, the European Union and other partners in their efforts to contribute to the
stabilization of Guinea-Bissau;
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(k) Helping in the mobilization of international assistance;
4. Underlines the need for appropriate expertise to ensure that the
UNIOGBIS effectively and efficiently implements its mandate;
5. Further underlines the importance of establishing a fully integrated
office with effective coordination of strategies and programmes between the United
Nations agencies, funds, and programmes, between the United Nations and
international donors, and between the integrated office, the Economic Community
of West African States (ECOWAS), and other United Nations missions in the
subregion, and requests the Secretary-General to take necessary measures with
UNOGBIS to ensure a smooth transition between UNOGBIS and the new integrated
6. Requests the Secretary-General to develop a strategic workplan with
appropriate benchmarks to measure and track progress on the implementation of the
mandate described in paragraph 3 above, and report on its implementation in
accordance with paragraph 14 below;
7. Calls on the Government and all political stakeholders of Guinea-Bissau
to work together in order to set up the best conditions for national reconciliation and
to consolidate peace and security throughout Guinea-Bissau;
8. Urges all members of the Armed Forces, including its leaders, to abide
by civilian rule and to refrain from any interference in political issues, to guarantee
the security of the national institutions, as well as the population in general, and
calls for the full protection and respect of human rights;
9. Urges Guinea-Bissau’s political leaders to refrain from involving the
military in politics, and requests them to use legal and peaceful means to solve their
10. Calls on the Government of Guinea-Bissau to conduct credible and
transparent investigations into the political assassinations in March and June 2009,
and to bring to justice those responsible for these acts, calls also upon the
international community to support those investigations;
11. Requests in particular the Secretary-General, in consultation with the
African Union, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the
Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries (CPLP), to assist the Government of
Guinea-Bissau in carrying out a credible investigation process;
12. Takes note of the initiatives undertaken by regional organizations for
ensuring the protection of the national institutions and the authorities;
13. Requests the Secretary-General, through his Special Representative for
Guinea-Bissau and UNIOGBIS, to assist the Government of Guinea-Bissau for an
effective coordination of the support provided by the international community to
security sector reform in Guinea-Bissau, taking into account the work already
undertaken by the European Union and other international actors in this area;
14. Further requests the Secretary-General to keep the Security Council
regularly informed every four months on progress with establishing the United
Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in Guinea-Bissau, with the first report due
by 31 October 2009, and thereafter with the implementation of this resolution;
15. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter. [^]