Resolution 246 (1968) of 14 March 1968
The Security Council,
Recalling its resolution 245 (1968) of 25 January 1968, by which it unanimously condemned the refusal of the
Government of South Africa to comply with the provisions of General Assembly resolution 2324 (XXII) of 16
December 1967 and further called upon the Government of South Africa to discontinue forthwith the illegal
trial and to release and repatriate the South West Africans concerned,
Taking into account General Assembly… [read more] resolution 2145 (XXI) of 27 October 1966 by which the General Assembly
of the United Nations terminated the Mandate of South Africa over South West Africa and assumed direct
responsibility for the Territory until its independence,
Reaffirming the inalienable right of the people and Territory of South West Africa to freedom and independence
in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and with the provisions of General Assembly resolution
1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960,
Mindful that Member States shall fulfil all their obligations as set forth in the Charter,
Distressed by the fact that the Government of South Africa has failed to comply with Security Council
resolution 245 (1968),
Taking into account the memorandum of the United Nations Council for South West Africa of 25 January 1968 on
the illegal detention and trial of the South West Africans concerned and the letter of 10 February 1968 from
the President of the United Nations Council for South West Africa,
Reaffirming that the continued detention and trial and subsequent sentencing of the South West Africans
constitute an illegal act and a flagrant violation of the rights of the South West Africans concerned, the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the international status of the Territory now under direct United
Nations responsibility,
Cognizant of its special responsibility towards the people and Territory of South West Africa,
1. Censures the Government of South Africa for its flagrant defiance of Security Council resolution 245 (1968)
as well as of the authority of the United Nations of which South Africa is a Member;
2. Demands that the Government of South Africa release and repatriate forthwith the South West Africans
3. Calls upon States Members of the United Nations to co-operate with the Security Council, in pursuance of
their obligations under the Charter, in order to obtain compliance by the Government of South Africa with the
provisions of the present resolution;
4. Urges Member States who are in a position to contribute to the implementation of the present resolution to
assist the Security Council in order to obtain compliance by the Government of South Africa with the provisions
of the present resolution;
5. Decides that in the event of failure on the part
of the Government of South Africa to comply with the provisions of the present resolution, the Security Council
will meet immediately to determine effective steps or measures in conformity with the relevant provisions of
the Charter of the United Nations;
6. Requests the Secretary-General to follow closely the implementation of the present resolution and to
report thereon to the Security Council not later than
31 March 1968;
7. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.
Adopted unanimously at the 1387th meeting. [^]